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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 215 - Boys are dumb.

Sorry to any boys out there reading this, but it's true. It's not just a few of them, I think it might be all of them... Don't try to prove me wrong because I know you'll succeed.. but lets just say I want to make a fort right now.
Okay so earlier today I went to the doctor's for an appointment and it was kinda funny because we were talking about how i've been really tired lately and my mum mentioned I had this blog and that I stay up sorta late to post and then she proceeded to give my doctor the link... Oh mum! :)  I'm pretty sure you are my biggest promoter... and I love you for it :) Best mum IN THE WORLD. There is no competition there, AT ALL!!! She stays up like all night, gets up at a decent time in the morning, hardly ever takes sick days, takes care of the whole family, cooks, cleans and still has time to read like seventeen books every week... (that last part might be a little bit of a hyperbole, make it 17 books/month) and she bakes the most amazing pieces of deliciousness you will ever taste, and if you don't like it? You're clearly a martian sent to destroy us.
She takes care of us when we're sick, and she bandages us up when we get hurt, she has spent numerous occasions waiting in the emergency room or the waiting room in the doctors office (mostly for me I think) and, AAAAND she babysits on top of it!!! Before these children were old enough for school she use to tote them around like one of her own! Took care of them on recovery days and made them food, drove them to dance and whatnot, etc. She is so amazing and I would never ask for a better mother... I think this isn't the first time I've talked about her awesomeness.... oh well :) she deserves it! :D <3 But just a secret between you and me? I think she might be a robot, she operates on such little sleep and does so much it's the only answer! I do nothing all day and then sleep for 12 hours and I'm still tired!! Well I'm going to read for a bit, then go to bed... Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! AND LOVE YOUR MUM! (and dad!!!)
:) Love you guuuuuys!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kelly! I appreciate the appreciation. Mom's everywhere try hard, even if sometimes what we say is not liked "No you may not go..., go to bed NOW!, or eat your carrots!.I really like todays dino. I remember all the cabins made inside and out and the ones I made too!
    Love you lots!
