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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 117 - Spoontastic!

Don't ask, just please don't ask... I have no explanation. This is a portrait of a dinosaur looking into a spoon. Spoons. Fantastic beings of awesomeness. Here's what some people had to say about spoons:
"A spoon? That is a device used for consuming liquid based food products." What is your view on spoons? "They're pretty awesome. I like how you can music with them."
"Well I can't balance them on ur nose anymore." how would you describe one? "Oval? With a stick" anything specific you like or dislike about them? "Some times they don't fit in my mouth"
"They're a utensil i eat with....? ;p n i once tried being one when i was intoxicated just a tad so i must like them.. ;p"
"I like them clean and in the drawer not twisted up!"
(can you guess which comment was from my maj?)

What Wikipedia has to say about spoons: spoon is a utensil consisting of a small shallow bowl, oval or round, at the end of a handle. (Wikipedia on Spoons)

Spoons were actually a gift from the gods to the first people, they were made of pure awesomeness and some of the first people to eat with spoons actually died from awesomeness overdose/poisoning so others were reluctant to try it... When they did they couldn't stop soon they used their blenders to puree everything so that they could eat it with spoons... It was a crazy time... that was millions of years ago, obviously because dinosaurs used them too....

In other news..... Nothing. I have nothing to say other than I had a fantastic day! I wore a dress today :) and then I changed into overall shorts :) they are awesome and Other than that I haven't really done anything today, I'm going to make a new purse/bag or maybe a shirt out of this cool new fabric i got :D I love crafting :D you already knew that though.... Gotta go to sleep now, Bye! Thanks for viewing, Keep calm and Stay classy! oh and hello to Mexico which I just coloured in on my map! :D  Ta ta for now!

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