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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 205 - You are not afraid, you are just stupid.

Okay hey guys right now i'm sorta angry at my laptop because it shutdown completely while I was halfway through this post so I'm re-writing it and it won't be as good as it was the first time but you wouldn't know because you didn't read it! 
Today's topic: "Homophobia"
This is what Wikipedia defines it as:
"Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbiangay,bisexual or transgender (LGBT)"
and this is what says about it:
"unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals  andhomosexuality."
And personally, this is what I have found to describe my feelings towards it the best: 

It's true! So you're saying that you are afraid of gays and lesbians? What did they ever do to you? It would be okay to be afraid of the 6'7" tall guy that goes to the gym every day and lifts 500 lbs. weights and has muscles as big as the hulk (minus the green). That's at first glance, you would probably think that "Holy cow, that guy could beat the shit out of me with his pinky finger if I look at him wrong" but then if you talked to the guy you might find out that he is very nice and loves kittens and sappy romantic movies, or he could actually be scary and he might tell you that he has a very large gun collection that he likes to keep in his gym bag. In which case you can be afraid. But it seriously makes you look like an asshole if you say you are a homophobe. I have two friends, who shall remain nameless but we can call them Darren and Cory (no offense to any with those names)
So Darren is a "Homophobe" and he said that if his very best friend told him he was gay, that he would not be his friend anymore. And then when talking about a person I don't particularly like he (and Cory) looked at me and said "ELE! EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!" and my reaction was "Says the guy who hates gays..." Him: "I love everybody except gays"
Me: "EVERYBODY would include gays, and I know you don't love everybody, i don't either"
Now, Cory told me "I don't *hate* gays, I just think they are wrong"
WHAT IS "WRONG" ABOUT BEING GAY? Please! Explain! Someone? ANYONE! "The bible says so!" Shouts someone from way in the back. 
Oh does it now? Look on the internet! I know, you aren't s'posed to believe everything the internet says, but have you read the bible? Because someone on the internet says: 
----------That big facebook comment->
[and the picture below this too(click = big)]

So that was long and took me a while to write and a while to find the pics too. But there are more than just "homophobes" there are also the gay, lesbian and bisexual people too, who probably don't have a problem with it, but they could, (I don't know how that would work...) and then there are people like me: Smart, funny, kind, awesome, loving.. oh wait I got off topic :P
People like me, who don't discriminate. 
Oh, you're gay? That's cool, it's your choice who you love!
Oh, you're German? Awesome, I'm part german myself.
You're from Iraq? That's cool, I've never been there.
etc etc, (i can't think of many other examples because its 2:00 in the morning and i need sleep)

I believe that you can't love everyone because there will always be people that piss you off, but you can try to be open minded and be friendly, like in my other post. SMILE! Smile at everyone! :D

I think i had way more to add to this but I've calmed down quite a bit since the conversation... soooooooooooo, here's the dinosaur, smile at everyone, Don't be hatin', thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D Love you guys, thanks or being patient while I rant about weirdo topics... I have strong opinions, that's my Kerr side apparently! :P Good night! 

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