Ah, here we are. Some monkeys, notice how they carry their young? The baby monkeys (OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE I AM GOING TO DIE!) cling to the front of the mother's chest. And we are pretty much really evolved monkeys.... To put it simply. only a 2% difference in genes or something.... Well we should take a hint. How did the first people live? Well the men were all lean and muscular from having to hunt for their food while the women were plump because they stayed home and nursed the babies and cooked the food. They kept the babies with them because what the hell are you going to do with a baby in early years of human existence? You couldn't just put him down and walk away! Baby might crawl into the open fire or be eaten/taken then eaten by a wild animal! He could fall down a little hill and bump his head! This is like ancient times here people! They didn't have jolly jumpers, or play pens, you kept your baby with you! That is what was meant to happen! There is all this controversy about breastfeeding "Oh gosh, now why would you want to do that when you can feed them synthetic milk pumped full of Gatorade?" "You feed your baby Gatorade?" "Gatorade has electrolytes and babies need electrolytes!" "Do you even know what those are and what they do?" "They are what babies need!" <- That was an Idiocracy joke :P I truly believe that humans will end up like that movie the way we are heading.... :P
With a stroller that faces you, Timmy can see you and you can see Timmy. He won't be overwhelmed with the light and sounds and motion because he mostly sees you. If he drops his soother, you look down, see this and place it back in his mouth WHILE STILL WALKING.
That went back a little too far... Nothing to see here people.. Actually there was pretty much nothing. Trust me, I'm the doctor.
*In my best tour guide voice* "And on the left you can see a Tyrannosaurus Rex and some Raptors having a little scuffle, on the right here you can see the meteor.. Uh-oh! Better put on the heat/flame/radiation proof suits provided! *Zip!*"

Babies need interaction. They need to be held and it is a proven fact! Seriously it is! Premature babies sometimes have a low chance of survival especially if they are kept in the little plastic boxes they keep them in (incubators and stuff like that, they don't actually keep them in plain plastic boxes) I saw on a grey's anatomy episode that one of the interns was placed into the maternity ward and there was a little premature baby and he ended up having to take his short off [omg he was hot ;) <3 ] so that they could place the baby skin to skin with him and he ended up staying the night like that and the baby was doing really well when they checked it out after (i said it because i don't remember the gender) There are many other things that I can mention like the fact that it's probably best to have your baby facing you if strapped in and also if you're in a stroller, until they're a little older maybe 2 or so? could be earlier, i don't know this is what i observe since you know, i'm only 16, i don't have a baby and i don't have friends who have little babies that they tell me about all the time. this is just my opinion on something that is out there. Anyway back to forward facing strollers and such! When your baby is facing away from you, you can't see his face (lets make it a male baby because i keep saying him. His name is Timmy) You have errands to run, your hubby is away on a week long business trip to New York and no one can do them for you (and you have to bring baby timmy with you) because if you want something done right, do it yourself! So you have 2 options stroller or strap him to your chest.
With an outward facing stroller you can't see your baby, but he can see everything which i can imagine would be pretty overwhelming to a baby. Timmy could've dropped his soother and you didn't notice, 30 sec. later he begins bawling the way sad babies that drop their soothers do. You have to pull off to the side so you aren't blocking other pedestrians, stop the stroller and then walk around to the front to see your baby, then find the soother and calm him down, possibly even take him out of the stroller etc.

did you see the difference? I did! I only typed like half of what the first paragraph was!
Now if you choose to strap him to you facing outward it is the same thing except you might not even see the soother and then it gets run over by a truck (you were crossing the road okay?) Well now you have an unhappy baby that needs a new soother and you have to unstrap him just to see what's wrong!
If you had him facing you, I sorta doubt that he would be awake anyway... pretty much he would be hugging you and if he dropped his soother it would probably be like an inch away from his face (max) or down your shirt.
Just my views...
Sorry it's late, keep calm and stay classy and sometimes just stop and think... How would this have been done hundreds of years ago by the first people... it changes the way you think man!
Ps. The main focus of this dino is the cuteness and stuff, not the detail of the outside of the stroller, i'm already an hour and a half late from my usual deadline and only an hour from extended summer edition so i didn't have time!
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