So there's this boy that went missing a couple weeks ago (2 i think) and I just heard that apparently the body has been identified as his. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of all the bad people out there in the world... Kids are scared of monsters in the dark but the real monsters are right in front of us. The shooting at the batman movie, the shooting in the Eaton center, the multiple shootings at the university in the States... it all makes me question our existence. How have we made it this far without destroying ourselves? We destroy our planet and we destroy our selves... You watch crime shows like Criminal Minds and whatnot but secretly hope that there are no people that are sick enough to do such horrible things. I never understood why people liked watching horror movies... You enjoy watching people being murdered? Really? Everyone thinks that animals are stupid and their supporting statement is "well then how come they aren't as evolved as us?" well have you ever looked at a pride of lions? The female lions work together to hunt and kill to feed others, you don't see them walking around murdering one another... sure they battle for power but that's about it... (as far as i know, i'm not a lion expert) It is phenomenal how amazing humans are.... full range of emotions and skill sets. We have created some pretty awesome things! The seven wonders of the ancient world... the statue of liberty, the great wall of china, the world we know today. We also have expanded our knowledge and our religions but I believe that religion may be what is tearing this world apart. Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing anyone's religion, I still go to church sometimes and i think that whatever you wish to believe is your choice. Whether you believe in one god (christian or catholic or many other religions) or several gods (greek, egyptians, maybe others) it's completely your choice, you either accept it and follow it or you refuse it and choose something else. The clash of religions and the want for power and land is probably what fueled many wars (greed mostly) but there have been more than a few more recent (last 100 years or so) events that were sparked by religious disputes. 9/11 for one example. I won't go into detail because i don't want to have to google the shit out of it to make sure that i'm correct with everything I say...Well those are my thoughts. I need to sleep now so that I have enough energy to do stuff tomorrow, i reaaaally need to find the hot glue gun.... hmm. Well maybe i'll rant a little bit more tomorrow... Good night! Thanks for viewing and reading that incredibly long and boring post... I am sorry if I offended anyone but those are just a few of my opinions, you don't have to agree with anything I say, I'm just putting that out there. Keep calm and stay classy!
PS. RIP Josh D. - I hardly knew you but you seemed to be a pretty okay guy, you smiled back and said hi every time I walked past you on my way home from school which makes you okay in my books. :) And whether you knew it or not, your life has affected more people than you know...
PPS. sorry the post is late and the dino is lame but I'm sorta shaken by this whole thing.... that's 2 kids around my age that have died in the past couple months...
UPDATE: So i just saw on the news that they don't suspect foul play, meaning they probably suspect suicide... but still human race.. i'm disappointed in you...
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