I love the fact that some of the girls I babysit actually refer to me as an artist :) (or so) because the other day I was painting on the sidewalk with Sequoia and Olivia and then Sarah and her friend were on their way to the park so Sarah called out "What's your new project Kelly?" and then I called them over to ask if they wanted to sidewalk paint with us and (i think) Sarah and Olivia (could've been only one) said "Kelly is an artist who likes to make dinosaurs, she even has a blog about it!"* (*Paraphrased) and I couldn't help but smile :) because hey, that's nice! I don't really think of myself as an artist but apparently they do! :P So I've been thinking and before the summer is out or before the first snowfall I would like to build a GIANT dinosaur. when I say giant I don't mean 18 ft tall or anything, more like 6ft. at the max! But I don't know what I would do with it... I think I would make a frame of wood and/or wire and then use some crumpled balls of newspaper to add bulk and then tape those in place and then paper mache to get a smooth finish, paint it, add some details maybe and then I would coat it in somehting to make water proof... Haha and then I could put it in the forest somewhere and it would scare the shit out of someone walking past! Hehe, just in the treeline to be seen from the road:
*People in a car driving along*
Bob - "Oh wow! The scenery here in northern Ontario is AMAZING! I wonder if we'll see any wildlife! " Sally - "Keep your eyes peeled kids!"
Tim - "Hey look a moose!"
George - "I see a fox!"
Kelly - "Hey AWESOME! I didn't know they had dinosaurs up here!"
Everyone else - "WHAAAAAT??!?!?!?"
Oh gosh, that would be priceless! Anyway, if anyone has any ideas as to how i could make this vague idea of a giant Dinosaur statue better, comment or message me or something, I would love to hear anything you guys have! Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Ps. This is a vague wooden structure starting point. I figure that i would make the inside belly mostly hollow but sorta heavy so that is would still be able to stay put..
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