So today I slept until 1:30 pm which totally sucked because I wasted my day, and then I hung out with Dylan and we watched Petri mow his lawn. Then we departed and I went home and then we regrouped at around 6:20 and we took the shuttle bus to the McIntyre Arena and waited for the concert to start and the first band playing was Compass Rose and not to be mean but I didn't think they were that great, maybe they just aren't my style, anyway so we left and went to McDonalds and got mcflurries and fries and i usually dip my fries in honey (its really good!) and i tried it in my smarties mcflurry and it was actually pretty good! i wouldn't eat it all the time, I'll stick with my honey, but it was good! Then we walked back and once we sat down they introduced Sons of Maxwell and I was like "Yaaay!" and they were lively and smiling and it was awesome! I really liked their songs so I got a CD ($20, not bad) and then once they finished having playing they were signing books and CDs so I got Dave and Don Carroll as well as the guitarist Chris to sign it too, they were nice :D I also got a picture with Don but since it was on my ipod it totally sucks! oh well! And now he has my sharpie :D :P and i have his :P because mine wasn't a fine tip one! Overall it was a great night! Well here's the picture of Don and I :P and if you want to check out their website click the link!
http://sonsofmaxwell.com/ and here's a youtube link to one of their viral sensations:
and thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Ps. Sorry it's late! My internet was crapping out big time!
PPS. this was drawn using the sharpie i got from Don! :P
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