Friday, August 31, 2012
Day 216 - The Little Merdinomaid
So today I overslept a little... and then i pretty much wasted my day waiting for someone to call me back.... yeah, i hate when that happens!!! so then i did my hair, and got out my macrame stuff and i started a few and finished one bracelet and began to organize my macrame bag... i swear.. it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!! Well then I ate some dinner, biked to timmies to get mum's coffee, and then i gave up on calling and just went over to Isaac's house and we watched (most of) xXx starring Vin Diesel, god I love him :) then we started watching S.W.A.T. and then headed over to petri's house where we chilled and then i left to be home for 11, i watched TV, took a shower, and then made this and now i'm posting it. I'm going to bed after this and setting my alarms so i get up... well here's my dinosaur as Ariel from The Little Mermaid :) I think I'm going to actually do a set of these... :) thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Day 215 - Boys are dumb.
Sorry to any boys out there reading this, but it's true. It's not just a few of them, I think it might be all of them... Don't try to prove me wrong because I know you'll succeed.. but lets just say I want to make a fort right now.
Okay so earlier today I went to the doctor's for an appointment and it was kinda funny because we were talking about how i've been really tired lately and my mum mentioned I had this blog and that I stay up sorta late to post and then she proceeded to give my doctor the link... Oh mum! :) I'm pretty sure you are my biggest promoter... and I love you for it :) Best mum IN THE WORLD. There is no competition there, AT ALL!!! She stays up like all night, gets up at a decent time in the morning, hardly ever takes sick days, takes care of the whole family, cooks, cleans and still has time to read like seventeen books every week... (that last part might be a little bit of a hyperbole, make it 17 books/month) and she bakes the most amazing pieces of deliciousness you will ever taste, and if you don't like it? You're clearly a martian sent to destroy us.
She takes care of us when we're sick, and she bandages us up when we get hurt, she has spent numerous occasions waiting in the emergency room or the waiting room in the doctors office (mostly for me I think) and, AAAAND she babysits on top of it!!! Before these children were old enough for school she use to tote them around like one of her own! Took care of them on recovery days and made them food, drove them to dance and whatnot, etc. She is so amazing and I would never ask for a better mother... I think this isn't the first time I've talked about her awesomeness.... oh well :) she deserves it! :D <3 But just a secret between you and me? I think she might be a robot, she operates on such little sleep and does so much it's the only answer! I do nothing all day and then sleep for 12 hours and I'm still tired!! Well I'm going to read for a bit, then go to bed... Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! AND LOVE YOUR MUM! (and dad!!!)
:) Love you guuuuuys!
Okay so earlier today I went to the doctor's for an appointment and it was kinda funny because we were talking about how i've been really tired lately and my mum mentioned I had this blog and that I stay up sorta late to post and then she proceeded to give my doctor the link... Oh mum! :) I'm pretty sure you are my biggest promoter... and I love you for it :) Best mum IN THE WORLD. There is no competition there, AT ALL!!! She stays up like all night, gets up at a decent time in the morning, hardly ever takes sick days, takes care of the whole family, cooks, cleans and still has time to read like seventeen books every week... (that last part might be a little bit of a hyperbole, make it 17 books/month) and she bakes the most amazing pieces of deliciousness you will ever taste, and if you don't like it? You're clearly a martian sent to destroy us.
She takes care of us when we're sick, and she bandages us up when we get hurt, she has spent numerous occasions waiting in the emergency room or the waiting room in the doctors office (mostly for me I think) and, AAAAND she babysits on top of it!!! Before these children were old enough for school she use to tote them around like one of her own! Took care of them on recovery days and made them food, drove them to dance and whatnot, etc. She is so amazing and I would never ask for a better mother... I think this isn't the first time I've talked about her awesomeness.... oh well :) she deserves it! :D <3 But just a secret between you and me? I think she might be a robot, she operates on such little sleep and does so much it's the only answer! I do nothing all day and then sleep for 12 hours and I'm still tired!! Well I'm going to read for a bit, then go to bed... Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! AND LOVE YOUR MUM! (and dad!!!)
:) Love you guuuuuys!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Day 214 - I can't type....
So as i said yesterday i wiped out on my bike and hurt the palms of my hands and my left leg and now it hurts to bend my knee and move my left thumb because the cuts i have on that hand are like right where my thumb joins the other bones in my hand... :( so its kinda hard to type and stuff... today i hung out with isaac and we walked to natasha's house and chilled there for a couple hours before walking home where i sat around and watched tv, then i had pasta for dinner and painted my nails, then i hung out with petri and isaac and we watched ironman 2.... I love Ironman... he's so awesome!!! The suit? <3 perfect! i'm going to be ironman for halloween next year... anyway, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Day 213 - Time is just marching along...
Wow... Day 213.. two hundred and thirteen... two HUNDRED and thirteen... that's a long time.... only 152 days left... what will i do with out this? I will have no purpose... i could go to bed at 6:00pm and not have to worry about posting a dinosaur.. wow... time is just flying, kinda like i did today...NOT. I kinda did the opposite, sliding on the ground... i have road burn on my leg as well as cuts, and the palms of my hands, and a little bit on my elbow. It was pretty dirty considering the reason i wiped out was because i slipped on some gravel and sand and so all that got into the cuts :( well i need to go to sleep because i'm actually tired and therefore might be able to get to sleep before 4 am... might go for a walk around the lake... hope that i'll be able to haul my lazy but out of bed when my alarm goes off.. i'm setting 5 alarms so it might.... thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!! :)
PS. this is a dinosaur on my knee band aid... it's a pretty big band aid!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Day 212 - I really need to stop.

PS. I have no clue why the neck is so long... :/
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Day 211 - laaaazy

Saturday, August 25, 2012
Day 210 - Bye Taylor!
So our buddy Taylor is leaving, he's going to travel the world and he leaves on Monday so we had a Good bye party for him today with pulled pork and a chocolate cake with a thin layer of mint icing on top, poutine and golden crust specialty bakery honey dipped doughnuts....YUM. I was mingling and stuff which is why this is late! The last of the people (Taylor, Al, Steve and Ally) left at about 2:50 AM so i was cleaning up a little... Thanks for viewing! Hope you had a great night! Keep calm and Stay classy!! :D
Ps. this is a really bad dinosaur i drew on my tablet... :P g'night!
Ps. this is a really bad dinosaur i drew on my tablet... :P g'night!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Day 209 - Wow, okay...
So I could've sworn i posted today's dinosaur... but apparently not! I made the dinosaur but didn't post it.... oops! Well today I got a haircut and i went shopping and then i took a nap and then i went to the burger bus with nat for dinner and then i came home, had a shower and worked on a card that i can't seem to get right....Rawr! I'm gonna sleep and then finish it tomorrow because i think that i'm useless at making cards at 1:24 am.... also i think i'm getting a cold... here's the dino, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Day 208 - SPACE! (in my room)

Dear Body,
I'm tired of you being so lazy and sleeping so much.
So I got up and then i didn't really do anything, oh wait! I made waffles for brunch! and then a little while later I hung up my mirror on the wall! and it looks like there is so much more space in my room! partially because I hung the mirror landscape style so that there is the illusion of more space plus it frees up the space on the ground it was taking up! I also baked some cookies for Brady's fundraiser and i don't know how the baked cookies tasted but the cookie dough tasted magnificent! Although Petri and his dad said they tasted pretty good because I gave some to them :P I think I'm going to have to bake more cookies because i want some now!! :P
Well here's the dino, I'm going to bed VERY SOON (hopefully) because i really need to stop sleeping in until noon! Also I have a hair appt. tomorrow :)
Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Day 207 - stop hassling me!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Day 207 - Hermit Day #2
So today I slept until noon -.- and then i stayed inside and made tomorrow's dinosaur (it's not finished) and then after a long while on internet and dinosaur it was time for dinner and we moved fish out of one tank and into 2 others and then put two new fish into one tank and then internet and drooling over David Tennant and Matt Smith ;D And then I WENT OUTSIDE! Shocking, I know. I drove the NEW car!!!! and we went and picked up Steve, then went to the Beer store and then dropped him off at someone's house and then i drove home nad then we went to see Kendria!! :D And guess what? This was the perfect occasion to wear my dinosaur head out ;) I wore it there and I wore it back, and I'll post pictures when I get them from my dad :P It was a fun day :D I need to go to sleep so here's today's dinosaur and thanks for viewing! Keep calm and Stay classy! :D
Monday, August 20, 2012
Day 206 - Hermit days...

So I have not gone outside today other than the 5 seconds it took to go from the house to the car to the house with some groceries.... I have been a hermit. I got up at noon and then lazed around and cuddled with Bella and then I fell asleep again, woke up because of the phone and then i began the huge task of cleaning up my room, GAH. I got a bit done but I think i'll do a bit more tomorrow..
OMG YOU CAN SEE MY DESK! :D That's how much I've cleaned! :D and I put all of my pants away...
and then I found my keys and so I took them off the key ring, got my alligator clips and string and nail polish out, and i've been painting keys with nail polish for the past couple hours because the internet is PMSing. Oh and i made a few new nail polish shades out of colours i don't use that much, including white, which i now have 0 bottles of.... well I have the very tail end of a bottle and then a skinny bottle with a skinny brush for my nail designs.... I have a funny story to tell you guys about a dinosaur related incident that happened today. My dad put on my day 200 dinosaur mask and came upstairs to try and scare me and whoever else he could find but I wasn't scared and then my mum turned around and she was startled and bella got scared and ran into mum's room and then had very wide eyes when my dad got closer, it was really cute and then once she realized it was just dad she curled up into a very angry little ball of fur and tried to sleep because it's terrible when you get scared thinking there's a dinosaur in your house!
well here's today's dino. If the picture uploads this time...
oh and i've been jamming out to Kelly Clarkson all day too.... :P
thanks for viewing, sorry it's late, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Day 205 - You are not afraid, you are just stupid.

Today's topic: "Homophobia"
This is what Wikipedia defines it as:
"Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay,bisexual or transgender (LGBT)"
and this is what says about it:
"unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals andhomosexuality."
And personally, this is what I have found to describe my feelings towards it the best:

Me: "EVERYBODY would include gays, and I know you don't love everybody, i don't either"
Now, Cory told me "I don't *hate* gays, I just think they are wrong"
WHAT IS "WRONG" ABOUT BEING GAY? Please! Explain! Someone? ANYONE! "The bible says so!" Shouts someone from way in the back.
Oh does it now? Look on the internet! I know, you aren't s'posed to believe everything the internet says, but have you read the bible? Because someone on the internet says:
----------That big facebook comment->
[and the picture below this too(click = big)]

So that was long and took me a while to write and a while to find the pics too. But there are more than just "homophobes" there are also the gay, lesbian and bisexual people too, who probably don't have a problem with it, but they could, (I don't know how that would work...) and then there are people like me: Smart, funny, kind, awesome, loving.. oh wait I got off topic :P
People like me, who don't discriminate.
Oh, you're gay? That's cool, it's your choice who you love!
Oh, you're German? Awesome, I'm part german myself.
You're from Iraq? That's cool, I've never been there.
etc etc, (i can't think of many other examples because its 2:00 in the morning and i need sleep)
I believe that you can't love everyone because there will always be people that piss you off, but you can try to be open minded and be friendly, like in my other post. SMILE! Smile at everyone! :D
I think i had way more to add to this but I've calmed down quite a bit since the conversation... soooooooooooo, here's the dinosaur, smile at everyone, Don't be hatin', thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D Love you guys, thanks or being patient while I rant about weirdo topics... I have strong opinions, that's my Kerr side apparently! :P Good night!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Day 204 - great night!
Okay so I was just about to go to bed when I remembered that I had to blog and make a dinosaur do this is my half asleep and slightly tipsy dinosaur version of my night. (shhh!) a bunch of my friends were there and we had a great night although my pants were pretty wet by the end of the night because even with my pants rolled up they got kinda wet when i put my legs in the hot tub and then I sat on a wet lawn chair but then I warmed them up at the fire and I was smoking hot! Literally steaming but it was funny, that also happened when I got out of the hot tub well I'm super tired so i'm going to bed, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!!
[ like me! I drank wine tonight ;) ]
[ like me! I drank wine tonight ;) ]
Friday, August 17, 2012
Day 203 - Lazy day
So today I woke up at 11 because someone called... but then i went back to sleep (stupidly) and woke up at 2:30 pm.. again... this sucks. So I cleaned up the kitchen a bit and then i sat back and decided to go on the computer when Isaac and Dylan came over to get me to hang out, so i got dressed and we called nat and then we met her at chevy's (the general store) and then we walked back to my house and had a movie night pretty much, well they watched a movie and i kept cleaning the kitchen and then i sat down and continued to watch the movie and then my parents came home! Yay! And then we finished watching the movie and then Isaac left even though we offered to give him a ride home, and we drove dylan and nat home and we delivered some butterfly chocolates from Rheo Thompson Chocolates in Stratford to my mum's friend for her daughter's wedding. Then i got back here and made all these water balloons and then popped them because I couldn't throw them at anyone considering its midnight and its pouring outside. Well that was my day, here is the dinosaur and thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Day 202 - Water balloon fight!
So today I went to this awesome waterballoon fight with Pistachio, Amasaurus, Brianna, Brittany, Bradley, Katie, Hunter, (little) Brianna, Victoria, Amelia, and 2 boys whose names i forget :P It was so much fun! I brought 360 balloons to fill (180 for me, 180 for Pistachio) and I brought a bunch of them home, we also went swimming and i swam all the way across Aunor lake and then we walked back because we were all tired :P I also brought the chocolate and mocha cupcakes i baked yesterday and some rice and I didn't bring any of it home! :P I'm going to make a better representation of this water balloon fight tomorrow or something :P Well this is more than an hour late, sorry! I was having a fire with Dylan and Isaac and then started watching a movie with dylan when isaac went home. well thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Day 201 - Baking
Today i got out of bed at 2:00 but then got back into bed and finished reading the book Fracture by Megan Miranda. It was a good book sorta spooky, and sorta relatable but it was good. I borrowed it from Pistachio and I would recommend it. The reason I woke up at 2 pm was because i stayed up until 3:00am reading it.. :P well this post is already more than an hour late but it was because i was icing cupcakes for the water balloon fight i'm going to tomorrow. I started baking them at like 10 pm and i had to borrow eggs from my neighbour because we're out... maybe i'll buy some tomorrow, or the next day in time for mum & dad's return.. :P They are chocolate with mocha icing :D I think i will also bring rice, because I like rice :D and that way if i don't like anything else there I can eat rice and cupcakes :P
Well thanks for viewing! I hope to blog more tomorrow or the next but who knows! Keep calm and stay classy!
Well thanks for viewing! I hope to blog more tomorrow or the next but who knows! Keep calm and stay classy!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Day 200!!!!
Minion Olivia with the wire frame |
First I straightened some coat hangers (about 5 in total maybe more) and then I bent them into the shapes that I wanted! I started with the bottom jaw which is one coathanger bent into a headband shape to go over your head and then an extended slightly skinny jaw, make sure that it can still fit over your head! Next I created a large circle out of one hanger and bent it so that it sat on my shoulders and had points down my back and on my chest and then i attached the two pieces together with shorter pieces of coat hanger. After I bent all those together with the help of Olivia, my minion, and then we set out to create the top half by making a rectangle but only the two long sides and one short end ( the two long ends attached to the headband part. Then we made the nose and head out of 2 coathnangers bent into the same shape and attached to the other sides of the nose. After that we used shorter pieces to keep things spaced like we wanted and then we covered it all in plastic gardening mesh and sewed it on with some yarn and a bent pipe cleaner as a makeshift needle! she went home at 8:30 and I worked on it with some minor breaks in between until 2:30 am. Yeah a long time! I sewed most of it on but it was taking such a long time that i eventually said "screw it!" got the glue gun and then hot glued the shit out of that thing! the next day I started with the paper mache, and it took a long time to get the first layer on! it wouldn't stick, especially on the edges so i stapled all the edges on and then just normally paper mached the rest of it, there were 2 layers of news paper and one layer of white computer paper so it would be easy to paint. Then i mixed a dark green and a light green to create the colour that i wanted and painted the whole thing, then i glued on foam around the neck, and on the inside of the back so it would be comfortable and then duct taped the whole inside of the mouth and most of the nose so that there weren't any loose ends of the paper, to cover the staples, and to make seem more finished on the inside. then i glued on some teeth that are pretty wonky, but oh well!! I painted on some eyes and nostrils and viola! And now some pictures! Thanks for viewing, and being dedicated! Keep calm and rock on! (and stay classy too!) Love you guys! :) <3
Mom was so happy and eager to help! |
Wire and a little bit of mesh |
Farther along with the wire part! |
Mesh on the neck |
Mesh all done! |
Paper mache all dry and all painted! |
All done! |
Isaac with the mask on! |
Day 199 - Sleepover again!
Yay for being late!!! So Nat and I are having another sleepover, this time at my house and we went over to Amasaurus' house for a fire and ended up sitting in her room talking until like 12:45 :P well thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
ps. check back tomorrow for awesome day 200 dino!
ps. check back tomorrow for awesome day 200 dino!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Day 198 - Sleep over!
So today I woke up and then i worked on day 200 dinosaur and hung with nat and then we baked cookies and ate them and they were delicious! :D And now i'm sleeping over and i don't want to be rude so this is it! thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Day 197 - No, I didn't forget about you!
I know this one is really late but i had a late start on my day 200 dinosaur! I've been working on it all day with my minion olivia and it is coming along quite well! I had my second driving lesson (in car) today and it was pretty great! :) also my parents went on vacation today and its weird without them here.... well i don't want to blog for much longer since i'm already posting this pretty much an hour late... well thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!! :)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Day 196 - Letter poems!
Everyone remembers the poems that you had to make in school right? they didn't have to rhyme but you described something by spelling out the name of it with the first letter of every sentence.
K is for Kind
E is for Energetic
L is for Lovely
L is for Li'l bit crazy
Y is for YOU SUCK AT MAKING THESE! (you meaning me)
Yeah yeah yeah, I know :P
K is for Kind
E is for Energetic
L is for Lovely
L is for Li'l bit crazy
Y is for YOU SUCK AT MAKING THESE! (you meaning me)
Yeah yeah yeah, I know :P
Well here is my poem about dinosaurs :)
Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! PS. Sorry it's late the pictures too a long time to upload!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Day 195 - BABIES!!
Babies are cute and innocent and to be honest they don't do much. Currently my parents are taking old tapes of my brothers and I as kids and putting them on the computer. It sparked a conversation (that and the fact that someone I know is pregnant) about babies and how we now live compared to how we lived in ancient times and how the media is being stupid about everything to do with babies. Think about it. Wait. Don't think about it... LET ME THINK FOR YOU. WE ARE GONNA TIME TRAVEL! "Ooh I love when she does this!!" people whisper in hushed tones as they buckle their seat belts because watch out! This is going way back... TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME!
Ah, here we are. Some monkeys, notice how they carry their young? The baby monkeys (OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE I AM GOING TO DIE!) cling to the front of the mother's chest. And we are pretty much really evolved monkeys.... To put it simply. only a 2% difference in genes or something.... Well we should take a hint. How did the first people live? Well the men were all lean and muscular from having to hunt for their food while the women were plump because they stayed home and nursed the babies and cooked the food. They kept the babies with them because what the hell are you going to do with a baby in early years of human existence? You couldn't just put him down and walk away! Baby might crawl into the open fire or be eaten/taken then eaten by a wild animal! He could fall down a little hill and bump his head! This is like ancient times here people! They didn't have jolly jumpers, or play pens, you kept your baby with you! That is what was meant to happen! There is all this controversy about breastfeeding "Oh gosh, now why would you want to do that when you can feed them synthetic milk pumped full of Gatorade?" "You feed your baby Gatorade?" "Gatorade has electrolytes and babies need electrolytes!" "Do you even know what those are and what they do?" "They are what babies need!" <- That was an Idiocracy joke :P I truly believe that humans will end up like that movie the way we are heading.... :P
With a stroller that faces you, Timmy can see you and you can see Timmy. He won't be overwhelmed with the light and sounds and motion because he mostly sees you. If he drops his soother, you look down, see this and place it back in his mouth WHILE STILL WALKING.
That went back a little too far... Nothing to see here people.. Actually there was pretty much nothing. Trust me, I'm the doctor.
*In my best tour guide voice* "And on the left you can see a Tyrannosaurus Rex and some Raptors having a little scuffle, on the right here you can see the meteor.. Uh-oh! Better put on the heat/flame/radiation proof suits provided! *Zip!*"

Babies need interaction. They need to be held and it is a proven fact! Seriously it is! Premature babies sometimes have a low chance of survival especially if they are kept in the little plastic boxes they keep them in (incubators and stuff like that, they don't actually keep them in plain plastic boxes) I saw on a grey's anatomy episode that one of the interns was placed into the maternity ward and there was a little premature baby and he ended up having to take his short off [omg he was hot ;) <3 ] so that they could place the baby skin to skin with him and he ended up staying the night like that and the baby was doing really well when they checked it out after (i said it because i don't remember the gender) There are many other things that I can mention like the fact that it's probably best to have your baby facing you if strapped in and also if you're in a stroller, until they're a little older maybe 2 or so? could be earlier, i don't know this is what i observe since you know, i'm only 16, i don't have a baby and i don't have friends who have little babies that they tell me about all the time. this is just my opinion on something that is out there. Anyway back to forward facing strollers and such! When your baby is facing away from you, you can't see his face (lets make it a male baby because i keep saying him. His name is Timmy) You have errands to run, your hubby is away on a week long business trip to New York and no one can do them for you (and you have to bring baby timmy with you) because if you want something done right, do it yourself! So you have 2 options stroller or strap him to your chest.
With an outward facing stroller you can't see your baby, but he can see everything which i can imagine would be pretty overwhelming to a baby. Timmy could've dropped his soother and you didn't notice, 30 sec. later he begins bawling the way sad babies that drop their soothers do. You have to pull off to the side so you aren't blocking other pedestrians, stop the stroller and then walk around to the front to see your baby, then find the soother and calm him down, possibly even take him out of the stroller etc.

did you see the difference? I did! I only typed like half of what the first paragraph was!
Now if you choose to strap him to you facing outward it is the same thing except you might not even see the soother and then it gets run over by a truck (you were crossing the road okay?) Well now you have an unhappy baby that needs a new soother and you have to unstrap him just to see what's wrong!
If you had him facing you, I sorta doubt that he would be awake anyway... pretty much he would be hugging you and if he dropped his soother it would probably be like an inch away from his face (max) or down your shirt.
Just my views...
Sorry it's late, keep calm and stay classy and sometimes just stop and think... How would this have been done hundreds of years ago by the first people... it changes the way you think man!
Ps. The main focus of this dino is the cuteness and stuff, not the detail of the outside of the stroller, i'm already an hour and a half late from my usual deadline and only an hour from extended summer edition so i didn't have time!
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