AAAAH! I am writing this with only 38 minutes to go! Right now I am listening to The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack :) YEAH! Amy and I are super awesome roadside entertainment...she kinda sucks at being a mime... I was trying to guess what she was saying and she was pointing at the ground:
Amy: *points at ground*
Kelly: Snow? ground? down? floor? beneath? A: *points at sky then at ground - repeats about 3 times*
K: Up? down? line? look?point? curve? straight line?
A: *unzips lips* OMG! SNOW!
K: I said that!
A: Yeah and I told you that you got it but you kept on just guessing!
And then we had a slow-mo fight and then save each others lives from a car. Isaac wouldn't come outside so when he shut the door on us we sang him a song about how we felt that he was ignoring us (it is actually just a parody):
Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends
Why can't we be fri-ends, why can't we be fri-e-eeends!!
Isaac you never come outside anymore,
You just always slam the door!
Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends!!
Why can't we be fri-ends, why can't we be fri-ee-eeeends!!
We hope your mom can force you outside to play,
Cause we try to force you... EVERYDAY!
Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends,
Why can't we be fri-ends, why can't we be fri-e-eends!
When you don't come outside we get really bored,
But if you come outside we won't sing anymore!
Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends,
Why can't we be fri-ends, why can't we be fri-e-eends!
When you don't come outside we get really sad,
And if your mom won't work,
We'll try your dad!
Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends,
Why can't we be fri-ends, why can't we be fri-e-eends!
(Sorry about it being double spaced, it would cut off half the words with out it! :P Oh and I walked home in my heels (BAD IDEA!) My shoes got we and my feet were really sore.... so that is only one of the many reasons/excuses for a not super awesome dinosaur and him being late... :( anyways here is Pirate Pete he sure loves that parrot of his :D
Did you know that pirates did not only use eye patches for when they had an injured eye? They would leave the patch on one eye when above deck the switch the patch to the other eye when they went below so that they could adjust faster/better/easier to the darkness. And that was another segment of Random Useless Facts that Noone Will Ever Use with Kelly McIntosh!
Other useless facts:
- Maine is the only US state with one syllable
- The Rosetta stone was discovered while digging trenches for warfare
- A baseball home plate is a pentagon (it has 5 sides)
- Goats and some other mammals have square/rectangular pupils
- Persian soldiers used to release cats onto the battlefield and use cats as live shields while fighting the Egyptians because they were afraid of hurting the cats and if they did they would be sentenced to death. The Egyptians usually surrendered because of these extremely smart tactics (Persians=1, Egyptians=0)
Have a great night! :D New dino tomorrow! :D Stay Classy!
PS. Yes! posted with 13 minutes until midnight!
PPS. I don't know why the song is all weird like that.... :S