So today I had to get up at like sucked. Then I babysat all day (well until like 1:30) and it was at my house (thank god!) I made my dinosaur when they were at my house too :P Right now I'm at Pistachio's (we're pulling an all nighter :D ) I am actually really uninspired so I can't write anything awesome right now :( I walked across the lake today and it sucked, I think it was like the worst decision of my week, I was up to my knees in snow for at least half of the walk and the other half I was only up to my ankles. I wish I had something more exciting/interesting to report but I don't... right now we are watching Hanna it is a movie about a 16 year old assassin. Any time someone mentions an assassin all I can think about is the episode of Cowboy Bebop with Mad Pierrot Le Fou. When I get my chameleon (in like 5 years) that will be his name. I will also have a turtle names Mark and a german shepard named Karma and a dalmation of whom I have not decided a name. In the near future I am going to get a beta fish to keep Sir Nigel company... anyways here's my dinosaur of the day (obviously), his name is Lego Larry - and I am going to watch the movie now, Stay Classy!!

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