I needed to make something. So as I googled (yes that is a verb :P ) crafts I came across a picture of some earrings - stretchers or gauged earrings to be exact - I remembered how I had seen pictures of ones made of polymer clay, and then I remembered how I HAD polymer clay! I immediately set to work making fake-gauge earrings....shaped like tentacles >:} After I had shaped them I added in the earring posts (just a pair of studs I don't wear) then I just had to bake them for about half an hour. These are the finished products (I realize that they aren't dinosaurs but still I wanted to share them :P ) So after I finished making these awesome earrings I made these awesome earrings :D They are made from polymer clay as well. So today I was thinking about my several trips to the hospital and what I remember of them because I was looking at my scars - right index finger & right cheek - and apparently I was totally wasted after each event. (these are only 2 out of many trips - because these are pretty much the only ones I remember.....)
I was three and I cut my cheek on a handle.
What I remember:
My whole cheek fell off and was like a huge circle of skin and muscle, I was bleeding a lot (but not as much as I would've if my whole cheek had come off) then when we got to the hospital I was in a huge white room (as large as my elementary school's gym) and it was filled with hospital beds and gurneys. They were trying to stitch my cheek back on (because I had been holding a bandage to it my cheek had magically been attached at the top and was only about half off now) and I was screaming and crying because my mum was being ushered out of the room (and she was also screaming and crying) and there were like male nurses but they were huge and buff like 6 feet tall and similar to animated
movies - their head looks small because they have their chests puffed out and huge arm muscles, then they also have really skinny legs that look short because the torso is so large - and there were like three of them that had to hold me down (little 3yr old me) and then that is the last of that memory....
What really happened:
I was running around the house and tripped, I had a (roughly) 1.5 inch gash on my cheek that was bleeding. Mum brought me to the hospital and they gave me stitches. I may or may have not been sedated (probably though) one fact I know for sure is that I didn't start crying until my mum told me that I had a tiny cut on my cheek (aka my whole cheek fell off)
When my finger was bit off by a LION! (actually it was a dog):
What I remember: I was at Mrs. Peters house with Brooklyn, Taylor and David (maybe some others) and we were chillin' in her back yard after eating some sort of dessert (she usu
ally gave us ice cream :D ) I noticed that Rusty (the neighbour's old dog) was outside and decided (stupidly) to pet him through the fence (just a piece of advice to everyone out there: DON'T PET A DOG THROUGH A FENCE!) he then (obviously) decided that my finger wo
uld be tasty and decided to bite off the tip of my right index finger... I didn't cry until I saw it - where I compared it to a volcano - Mrs. Peters and everyone freaked out and we went inside where she put a bunch of kleen-x on it and we went home. Then we went to the hospital. The doctor sat there with a pair of tweezers and (I AM WINCING REMEMBERING THIS) p
icked out all of the kleen-x from it... they also put a huge needle right down through the top. I don't rem
ember anything at the hospital after that, but I do remember going to physio therapy *shiver* and not being allowed to play in the sandbox because I might get dirt in the (HUGE) bandage. Then the first day (or so) that I went back to school (SK - I was 6yrs old) we were making mother's day cards to prepare for the mother's day tea we put on ( <3 ) the cards wer
e blue with a flower pot on it (we coloured the pot brown) then we took a pencil and a square of yellow tissue paper (wrap the square on the flat end of the pencil and then dip in in glue and then place on paper) to make daffodils.
What actually happened:
The exact same thing up until the hospital. The SURGEON (fancy right?) took out all of the tissue paper but gave me a popsicle with a sedative in it :P after they kinda st
itched up my index and bandaged it (apparently they didn't do a very good job) and my other 2 or 3 fingers (no stitches just bandages) we went to the mall to get my medication (antibiotics maybe) and my mum couldn't really carry me ( I couldn't walk I was too "wasted" <-her words not mine) so she left me with Joey (my old babysitter) who was working there doing carts (maybe) while she went to pick up a few things, according to her she was "a complete basket-case" she's one of the people who kinda falls apart and breaks down
after the event not during it (<- her words not mine) but one thing she told me was that on the
way back from the hospital I asked her why the road only goes one way.... if you think about it the road does only go one way, it's the cars that drive on it that go two different ways.....
Dear 6 year old me,
Piece of advice: DON'T PET DOGS THROUGH FENCES and especially stay away from Rusty on May 6th, 2002. Oh, and I don't know why the road only goes one way... I have no idea at all...
Piece of advice: DON'T PET DOGS THROUGH FENCES and especially stay away from Rusty on May 6th, 2002. Oh, and I don't know why the road only goes one way... I have no idea at all...
(Almost) 16 year old me
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