So I need a knight in shining armor (or just anyone actually) to save me... from myself ..... from my mind to be specific. I have been over thinking EVERYTHING for like the past 2 HOURS!!! And I have no one that I can go see (everyone that lives close to me is busy) and I just need a distraction. Real life sucks. SO bad. It just argh. Crafting isn't working either :( and I can't draw when I'm sad because I start to draw voodoo dolls or sad things... or sad voodoo dolls. I think part of this is because of a guy, CURSE YOU HEART! Befriend a cute guy and then start to like him and then just gah. Not going to bore you people with another tale of wanting what you can't have. Anyways so I didn't know what I was going to make until like 2 minutes ago - a felt plush dinosaur.
Oh es bueno..muy muy bueno! He's finito! Introducing to you for the first time ever.....
FELIX THE FELTASAURUS! Oh and crafting for the past 5 hours has taken my mind off of the crappy-ness of reality. Felix is a completely hand stitched, hand cut, hand stuffed felt dinosaur of pure awesomeness. He took roughly five hours to complete and about a 1ft long piece of felt (all together but there are different colours) He is held together with embroidery floss (separate it from 6 strands to 3 strands to make your thread last longer) but anyways I have a science/health camp/thingy tomorrow morning and i need to get up.... GOOD NIGHT!
oh and Stay Classy :)

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