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Sunday, February 12, 2012


Before today I had totally forgotten how much fun playdough was! I also forgot how hard it was to work with! I know that it's kind of early to be posting my dinosaur but I'm not feeling to well so I might just go to bed or relax all day and try to get better. I have been up since like 7:15 because I slept through my alarms like 4 times and was almost late to be picked up to go babysit (where I am now). So Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and I don't have a date, I have yoga class... I mean who schedules yoga on Valentines day? People might have super romantic dinners or get togethers planned! I expect that there won't be many people at yoga on Tuesday.... Today's dinosaurs are sort of Valentines day themed (Love knows no boundaries)Why is my life so boring? I need to do something to make it more interesting, but what? I've always wanted to go skydiving but it's winter aaand I'm only 15 well actually I'll be 16 in 23 days! But still, maybe I'll wait until I'm older and until it's warm out to go skydiving...Maybe for now I'll stick to time travel, teleportation, dragon riding, dragon fighting, being a knight and all the other awesome things I do,
Stay Classy!

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