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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 263 - Yearbook

so today we had a yearbook meeting where this lady from sudbury came to the school to teach us how to use the yearbook software and i was pulled from my 3&4th per. classes which sucked because i had math homework that i needed a head start on and i missed a chem lab and blah. i hated it. it was boring and i don't even want to be in this class and blech. i hate it. oh wait. i already said that...... ugh. i hate it. in other new i brought cupcakes to school and they were delicious and some people who weren't even on the basketball team got some, like shelby (it was her b-day) nat, kathleen, isaac, petri, brianna, callie, and i think that was it... but i dunno... i still have a bunch of cupcakes here at my house so imma bring more tomorrow, def. one for karly because she didn't get one (didn''t want it at lunch and then left before i could give her one after practice) and amy becasue she left after school before she could get one.. although i don't know what flavour amy wants so imma have to bring a chocolate and a vanilla and i'll eat the other one... and also something exciting happened today... i dropped my ipod on the corner and demolished the bottom left hand corner of the screen... oh joy. and i got  apiece in my foot before practice and then near the end i figured out that it wasn't a rock in my shoe but a piece of glass in my foot... :) jk jk  :( i got to meet jamie's puppy today also, omg it's sooooo adorable and i got little puppy kisses and awwww he was adorable his name is Enzo and he's black and white and i just love him!! he looked really funny though because they are trying to keep his ears pointy so they have popsicle sticks and duct tape working as splits to form them so he has duct tape ears and he's still cute!! anyway here's my dino, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
PS don't mind the math on the sides :P
PPS i leave you the link to a video of a cat who smacks alligators... its awesome!

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