So my cough is getting worse and uuuuugh. death. i feel like i'm coughing to death or something, it sucks. so yeah that happened today and.... i had b-ball practice and it wasn't fun :( anddddddd..... nothing else really happened today, i hung out with petri and isaac and dylan and then along with petri's dad and uncle we watched the avengers (third time for me) :) I don't think anyone knows how amazing this movie truly is... like i had this huge goofy smile on the entire time RDJ, Hiddles, and Chris&Chris... what could be better?? Johnny depp in there. that would make it better
and/or david tennant and matt smith :P
well i have to sleep, first b-ball game tomorrow!! wish me luck! :D
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
PS> hoping to do a good dino or two on the weekend :)
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