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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 237 - Old...

Something old,
Something new,
Something borrowed,
Something blue.

I just want to live somewhere beautiful where there are no huge sky scrapers, and you don’t see powerlines everytime you look up. And where wildlife isn’t eating garbage, and there is no garbage lying around. If there are people, they would all live in quaint little cottage like houses, with ivy growing up the side of it, little gardens in the front and not perfectly trimmed grass, they would have cute little fences in front and the roads are just dirt, you can see the places where carts go down the road because there is grass growing between the wheel paths. Across the road from some of the houses would be fields of tall grass and wild flowers. There would be a rickety fence along the edge of it to discourage carriages and small children/horses/dogs from entering it but there are paths made through it anyway from the older kids and some dogs, cats and other animals. People are friendly towards everyone and there is no such thing as a workaholic, abuse, or many other bad things. People do what they like and all in all its a very relaxing atmosphere. It is summer all the time and veggie gardens are a popular thing… All organic and locally grown is what the people eat and once a week there is a farmer’s market. There are no huge superstores like walmart or costco and there aren’t all the processed foods we have today. There is a small general store in the town square where you can buy the things you can’t grow or get from the market. In the center of the town square there is a gorgeous fountain and there are cobblestone walkways and roads there. Flower beds line the shops and there are a few small-ish trees too. Everyone is happy, and there is enough of a challenge to surviving that people are happy, but it’s not easy enough that people are restless… perfection… almost. <3

i think that would almost be the ideal place for me to live... i don't like all the technology we have today... i mean sure, it makes life really easy but if you go back to just electricity, indoor plumbing, clean water, radios and no cars it would make the world better i think. sure you wouldn't be able to go anywhere you want in a matter of hours. and maybe there wouldn't be television but without huge factories the world would be a cleaner place... i really wish we had a cleaner world. it makes me  sad to realize how much of a decline it has gone through since humans started destroying it.... this beautiful planet... ruined.

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