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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 247 - Oh wow..

I am so tired and tired and tired and i'm still sick blah. basketball practice tomorrow and i am not excited at all.... not one bit. here's the dinosaur. i need sleep.. good night, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy

Day 246 - Replacement brother!!!!

So today my replacement brother arrived, his name is Zack and he's a family friend. you might be wondering why i'm calling him my replacement brother and that is because dave left for college so zack is staying in dave's room and taking dave's spot at the dinner table (if he's there for dinner) acting as a stand in while dave is away :P so um yeah..... that's what's happening.. i know, not as interesting as me walking into the boys locker room, but i doubt anything will top that on the interesting to read scale for you guys.... dinosaur. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 245 - hmmm...

so today wasn't the best day but everything in automatically cancelled out because its friday... i feel sick :/ and blah. i updated to iOs 6 on my ipod and that effectively wiped the whole thing so now i have to reinstall all of my apps and whatnot and put all the music back on it... -.- this sucks... well i'm going to bed... i'm gonna try to get up a a reasonable time tomorrow, like it ever worked any other time! oh well...
thanks for viewing keep, calm and stay classy! :D

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 244 - oh you guys are gonna love this one....

Okay so today was kinda funny first i had science and then math which were pretty normal and then we had a quick basketball practice during lunch and someone asked "when do we eat?" to which my principal replied "you'll have time at the end of lunch" and so we practiced without changing and whatnot so everyone was grumpy and hungry and everyone was confused and whatnot then we were talking and getting our uniforms and we heard the bell so the principal said "oh that's the phantom bell, it's wrong *looks at watch* never mind go to class" and everyone was grumpy because we didn't get to eat. then i was in guidance and i was working on my bacteria wanted project and i was in the middle of adding a sentece but need a synonym for acquired so i left it there and went to right click on the word but it wanted to correct the grammar mistake in the sentence taking out the double space between "acquired" and the first word of the next sentence "heroin" so my sentence then read "Soldiers in the war acquired Heroin[...]" so i found that amusing then i put  "tetanus from" in there too so it said "Soldiers acquired tetanus from Heroin users" which isn't much better :P then after school we had a practice and whatnot because our game didn't start until 6:00. I went home after for about an hour and then came back and i was changing when Sarah told us that she lost he shorts that she had gotten at lunch *facepalm* i ran out into the hall because i had just seen mr. sullivan  walking down the hall so instead i ran into mr.donovan (the vp) and asked him if he knew where the shorts were but he said no and then went to find someone who did. since there was a junior b-ball game going on at the time he thought that the THVS girls were changing in the boys locker room and gave me the key to mr. polowy's office (he's the boys gym teacher) that is in the boys locker room. I knew that there had been a boys soccer game at 3 so i figured they would be out of there by 5:30 and asked Kyle if there were any guys in there and he said that there probably wouldn't be so i walked in.... and half the boys soccer team was in there..... AWKS. most of them were at least half dressed. but still...  i couldn't believe i had done that... then Taylor, being the smart ass that he is, said "hey kelly, i'm about to get naked, you might want to stay for the show" omg!!!! i mean i was already kinda embarrassed because i walked into the boys locker room but him saying that kinda made it worse. then i went into polowy's office but i didn't see the bins i was told were in there.... AAAAAAAWKWARD... it's one thing to walk through it or somehting but to walk in and then have to walk  back out past the guys again...  lol and then taylor walked out with me... in the middle of the basketball game... probably looked reeeeeally weird... oh well lol, that's life... so that was the most interesting part of my day... haha i'm sure you enjoyed the story, pistchio did, i texted her the whole thing right after it happened... hahah probably never gonna live that down.. :P thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! ( and stay out of the boy's locker room!! (or vice versa)
PS. the pink is me blushing hardcore, like i probably was... :P

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 243 - Still dying....

So my cough is getting worse and uuuuugh. death. i feel like i'm coughing to death or something, it sucks. so yeah that happened today and.... i had b-ball practice and it wasn't fun :( anddddddd..... nothing else really happened today, i hung out with petri and isaac and dylan and then along with petri's dad and uncle we watched the avengers (third time for me) :) I don't think anyone knows how amazing this movie truly is... like i had this huge goofy smile on the entire time RDJ, Hiddles, and Chris&Chris... what could be better?? Johnny depp in there. that would make it better
and/or david tennant and matt smith :P
well i have to sleep, first b-ball game tomorrow!! wish me luck! :D
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
PS> hoping to do a good dino or two on the weekend :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 242 - INITIATION!!

So today was the first day of "welcome week" because it had to be delayed due to the teacher's protest. So we started with the grade nines because no one expected it and if we did like gr.12s first then the gr.9s wouldn't come to the caf. they had two people/ apple and both had to try and eat it at the same time and they all failed. then there was also the cinnamon challenge and then they had to chew half a banana and then try and spit it through nylon pantyhose over their head!! 2 gr.9 girls had to sing "baby" by justin bieber to a gr 13 boy and it was hilarious. anyway i have 2 basketball practices tomorrow so i gotta go to sleep! thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
PS. the one on the left is the girl and the one on the right is the boy.... :P

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 241 - First basketball practice

so today i had my first basketball practice and i'm soo tired... we had a practice at lunch which i think is stupid because i didn't have enough time to eat then we had a 2 hour practice after school which made me sad because i'm super outta shape and now i need to sleep so, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 240 - Dinosaurs!!!

So yesterday I made this little cutie for my terrarium but he's a little too big  :( oh well still pretty cute! oh yeah! this is my terrarium BTW I'm gonna start a little indoor garden for my room to bring nature into my room. I really want to get a venus fly trap but i don't know where i can get them :( I'm gonna get Pistachio to make me a shelf in shop class for my plants :) I have this hilarious discussion to share with you between my friend Kathleen and I:

  • Kathleen:  You should just walk up to Him and frenchy

  • Me: ahahahahahaha rofl kathleen lets be real
  • 1. that would totally ruin our friendship
  • 2. that would be super awks because we've gone to school together for like forever and will be until gr. 12
  • 3. i don't have the guts to do it
  • 4. did i mentions that everyday after that would be super awks?

  • Kathleen: That would make my life time

  • Me: omg yeah and ruin mine

  • Kathleen:  Like every day till the day I die I'd be like remember that one day
  • Lol

  • Me: although then i would probably be known as the girl who randomly made out with him  at school
  • and that would be a pretty sick story to tell people in like 20 years
  • lol
  • ahahahaha at the HS reunion
  • bahhahahahahahahaha!!!!!

  • Kathleen: Which would be amazing lol

  • Me; 
  • "hey"
  • "hey"
  • "remember that time i made out with you at school"
  • *awks silence*

  • Kathleen: You would just be acting out everyone elses fantasy

  • Me: yeep
  • but sorry that's not happening
  • i think the only time i would do that to like anyone would be like my last day at school/ the last day i would see them
  • so like if i moved to bc

  • Kathleen: okay I’ll just get someone else to do it.. someone that has guts

  • Me: I don’t think anyone would

  • Kathleen: But you should lol

  • Me: haha as i said if i move to like BC or something then sure, why not

  • Kathleen: You wouldn't even do it then lol

  • Me: i might because then it's not like i'd see them again.. like ever

  • Kathleen: Who would you not like to see?

  • Me: no like i mean that then it wouldn't be awkward and whatnot because i wouldn't see whoever i spontaneously kissed

  • Kathleen: You want to spontaneously kiss him the most u know it lol

  • Me: oh yes. it has always been a dream of mine… it's on my bucket list

So yeah, that happened and now i have to go to bed so thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D 

Day 239 - Rain...

so it has been a pretty rainy week and today pistachio and i are having a sleepover and we went and watched a movie at petri's house with dylan, and i brought my umbrella but it was windy and broke my umbrella :( so naturally i turned it into a dinosaur! i saved the material and then bent one of the metal rods and i'm sorry that it's late but we're watching cirque du freak: the vampires assistant so i've been getting distracted! anyway, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 238 - I need to close my eyes for a second...

My eyes are burning... i need to close them for a while, not just because i'm tired, but so that i stop noticing things and go into my dream world... that would be nice i bet it looks like i'm crying because my eyes are watering from yawning and blinking... :P
I need to get outside.... tomorrow i really need to do that because once again i was being a hermit... but if i won't go outside, outside will come to me. I made a little terrarium... it's not finished though... i think it needs something more, like moss... and a dinosaur... too much of a hint? oh well! today i got to sleep in because i had a doctor's appointment and it would've been stupid to send me to school only to pick me up like 10-15 mins after class started. so we got there and then waited 1.5 hours (roughly) before we got in to see my doctor (who viewed my blog when my mum  gave him the site) and i found out that i need to get more bloodwork done! yaaay! oh well, i don't really care because needles don't bother me! then i had mr.sub for lunch, got to school and found out that i missed most of b-ball practice, then i went to chem and did some work, then had my seat changed and whatnot... and then i went and sat in guidance with nat and gossiped about boys and then mrs.donovan wanted to know what we were talking about so i gossiped with her for the rest of the period until i saw my mum go in to see the guidance counselor about yearbook class! i got a ride home but there were no seats in the back of the van so i just sat on the floor! it was pretty fun! then we moved the van seats back into the van after fixing the garage door and i went down to the bus and then i came back and lazed around on the futon with olivia played burnout paradise until she left at which point i went on the computer and then my mum and dad left,i blasted my music and ate salad and an apple and then made my terrarium and then ended up watching a few warehouse 13 episodes! <3 that show! :D  anyway thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 237 - Old...

Something old,
Something new,
Something borrowed,
Something blue.

I just want to live somewhere beautiful where there are no huge sky scrapers, and you don’t see powerlines everytime you look up. And where wildlife isn’t eating garbage, and there is no garbage lying around. If there are people, they would all live in quaint little cottage like houses, with ivy growing up the side of it, little gardens in the front and not perfectly trimmed grass, they would have cute little fences in front and the roads are just dirt, you can see the places where carts go down the road because there is grass growing between the wheel paths. Across the road from some of the houses would be fields of tall grass and wild flowers. There would be a rickety fence along the edge of it to discourage carriages and small children/horses/dogs from entering it but there are paths made through it anyway from the older kids and some dogs, cats and other animals. People are friendly towards everyone and there is no such thing as a workaholic, abuse, or many other bad things. People do what they like and all in all its a very relaxing atmosphere. It is summer all the time and veggie gardens are a popular thing… All organic and locally grown is what the people eat and once a week there is a farmer’s market. There are no huge superstores like walmart or costco and there aren’t all the processed foods we have today. There is a small general store in the town square where you can buy the things you can’t grow or get from the market. In the center of the town square there is a gorgeous fountain and there are cobblestone walkways and roads there. Flower beds line the shops and there are a few small-ish trees too. Everyone is happy, and there is enough of a challenge to surviving that people are happy, but it’s not easy enough that people are restless… perfection… almost. <3

i think that would almost be the ideal place for me to live... i don't like all the technology we have today... i mean sure, it makes life really easy but if you go back to just electricity, indoor plumbing, clean water, radios and no cars it would make the world better i think. sure you wouldn't be able to go anywhere you want in a matter of hours. and maybe there wouldn't be television but without huge factories the world would be a cleaner place... i really wish we had a cleaner world. it makes me  sad to realize how much of a decline it has gone through since humans started destroying it.... this beautiful planet... ruined.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 236 - Hermit days... again!!

These hermit days aren't as bad as the previous ones because i actually get out because of school.... and whatnot.... but still i get home and i go on the computer and i do homework and i watch tv/ play video games and then i dinosaur and sleep... but sometimes i also take a nap on the couch... it's a pretty sad existence... i didn't even get to clean my room today either!! maybe that will be a weekend task... picture day is tomorrow and i'm NOT excited... i hate picture day.. ugh. oh well... i need to sleep, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! (and don't be a hermit like me!)
PS. TAYLOR I LOVE YOU!!! <3 <3 :) I have views from iceland now!! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 235 - Gotta go to bed sorry!

Hey, here's my dino! i really need to get to bed because i want to get a great sleep so that i'm not grumpy and whatnot tomorrow :P So um, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy and... COMMENT! :D Pleeease! :D

Day 234 - I can see the future...

and want to know what i predict? more posts about me being sick, and how much i hate math.... just you wait!!! it WILL happen!! because i already hate math.... ONLY 188 SCHOOL DAYS (give or take a few) LEFT BEFORE SUMMER VACATION!!! :D well i need sleep so thanks for viewing! keep calm and stay classy! oh and Taylor: Good luck on your journey! :D

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 233 - So this was fun!

Today's post won''t be long because there are a lot of pictures i am posting :P today i tried making a dinosaur out of the paint splatter from water balloons filled with paint (and air) but the first balloon don't have enough air, the second exploded all over me, the third one bounced off and exploded on my foot, then another exploded in my hand, i made 3 and then threw them, the first bounced off and exploded on the grass, the second exploded on the canvas, but not in the dinosaur, and the third bounced off, i picked it up, and it exploded in my hand. so i gave up on that after one more exploded all over my pants and went onto splatter painting :P much faster and easier! :P well that's about all you need to know other than Sarah and Alyssa helped this time too, they helped paint the back ground black :P here's some pictures, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D

This will be my canvas!

Mum helping staple the bristol board onto the palette 

balloon exploded on me!

Finally! I got a balloon to pop on a board, not me!

Sharpie outline of the dinosaur!

Picking up the balloon after it exploded

Balloon exploded on me!

NO, TIICA GET DOWN! Aww, you have paint in your fur now!

The little blue splat in the corner? first balloon to work on it!

Tiica wanted to help, but instead got a li'l blue streak! :P

Ruined my shorts :(

Balloon exploded!

Totally Finished!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This stupid cold... it won't go away. I've started coughing again -.- but the sore throat is gone and the sniffles/stuffy nose aren't as bad. i haven't been getting as many headaches but still... GO AWAY!!! so i had a pretty uneventful day today but i went to Brittany's surprise birthday party and that was fun, but that was just about all i did today..  :P i just plugged in my heated blanket so i want to snuggle up in its warmth... maybe i'll bake something tomorrow... i don't know what though... i kinda want to make a huge cookie but i promised pistachio we could do that :P anyway, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
PS. Happy birthday Brittany!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 231 - Dinosaur Protests

Okay so I know that I didn't do ALL of the people in the photo as dinosaurs because that would've taken FOREVER. honestly, it would've! so instead this is just some dinosaurs going out to help protest the teacher's way of protesting. For those of you that don't know the ontario government just froze the wages of teachers and cut their benefits and took away their right to protest for the next 2 years so in response the teachers are protesting by not participating in any extra curricular activities or sports. We, the students, are outraged by this because extra curricular activities and sports are the things that make the whole high school experience more enjoyable and whatnot. So yesterday we protested. At 10:30 so senior students went into the hall and yelled: BRING ME A FORK and then all the students got up and out of their seats and took their stuff, and left. We walked out of the school and onto the school's lawn and the street/sidewalk and we got posters and pom poms and made noise and did some cheers and then we walked around the school and down a block and then did that again and the press was there and we hope we made a point. people were excited about it and wanted to do another one today but it was shut down by the principal he said that they had made their point yesterday and that he would suspend anyone that didn't go inside the school because they wanted to have an all day protest where no one would go inside the school. I didn't attend because i took a sick day today because i really wasn't feeling well this morning, but i'm feeling a bit better now :) well that's what's happening now! if you want to see a video about it click HERE and it will bring you to CTV news :) Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 230 - I have some big news for tomorrow!

Well a big-ish dinosaur for tomorrow :D it all has to do with this:
^click it! you know you want to! it's a link to a video about my school. we did a walk out, where we walked out of class to protest the teacher's method of protesting the government... or at least, that's what i was doing! I got bloodwork done this morning and then went out for breakfast with dad (he drove me) because i hadn't eaten for like 12 hours... i'm super tired, more protesting tomorrow so i need some sleep, i PROMISE to blog more tomorrow night about it! thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 229 - AS IF!

Hey guys! Sorry about yesterday, I have no idea why it didn't post but i totally had it made yesterday... i just posted it now because i realized it hadn't gone up... wow. fail. anyway i'm still sick but tomorrow i have to go have blood tests done so, once again i need to sleep so this post won't be long. I have no idea what my dinosaur should be but i'm starving!! I can't eat until after my blood tests which means that i will be ravenous in the morning. I upgraded my licence on burnout paradise from class C to B by winning 8 races and unlocking 4 cars :D Yaaay! I beat a few time records and broke some billboards and fences too... BONUS! :P Well thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D and healthy! unlike me.... :(

Day 228 - stillll sick....

GAH! This stuffy nose will be the death of me! seriously it sucks. ],.aujmpi9a32hfjuvybwc,j2kLUVSA,YHGVHW Qechbgwehmwjbcn ,jdslkaiweoNFCHJBC AWkjhkjvbakhwef
^ that is how frustrated i am with this cold. well now this is late. gotta sleep because i'm sick and need to get better. thanks for viewing, even though the ast few have been uber lame

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 227 - AAAGH.

Headache, sore throat, stuffy nose and it hasn't quite been a full day with this, yet i'm sooo tired. it has just drained me completely.... well here's the dinosaur i need to sleeep... good night! thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D

Day 226 - Sick :(

Awwwwww... I'm getting sick. I have a sore throat and a bit of a runny nose and it's like: GAH. because i know that it's gonna be not enough to keep me home but enough to make school miserable because i'm gonna have to eat soup and whatnot and yuck. So I'm going to post the dinosaur maybe check a few of the blogs i follow and then i'm going to bed so that i get a head start on killing this thing.... oh god, now i have a headache... time to turn the brightness down on all the screens and the volume down on everything too :( ugh. sicknesses... :(
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! (and don't get sick!) :D

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 225 - Ducks and Dinosaurs

 So I know that this post is reeeeaally late but I have a good reason: I was making and icing cookies and didn't want to get distracted because it was already late by the time i started making them... so i finally made sugar cookies like i wanted to and i mostly made ducks and hearts, but i also made dinosaurs, they just took up so much dough that i didn't want to make a whole bunch of them. The duck ones are my favourite! I don't know why but i absolutely love the duck cookie cutters that we have :) <3 well here are my cookies (most, but not all!) thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D Love you guys!! :D Don't forget to comment pleeease!
Ps. Sorry the quality is so crappy, i took the pics with my ipod!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 224 - SQUEEEEEE!!!!!

AAAAAH!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! YOU GET A HUG! AND YOU GET A HUG! AND YOU GET A HUG! EVERYBODY GETS HUGS!!!!! I can't stop smiling!!!!! Seriously you guys!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 <- thats how much i love you guys!!! Soooooo you must be wondering: WHY IS SHE EXCITED?


Today I got 26 views from FRANCE!!! all at like 4:00 ontario time! What's the deal France? Was this a class? Were you mad because something wasn't loading? Did you read back into the beginning of this blog? apparently the way i blog has changed.... i don't know, maybe i should read them... I wonder how long that would take? well some of them are pretty short and others are sooooooo long!!! :P Well PLEEEEEASE FRANCE!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!! COMMENT! I WANT TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE! AND FEEDBACK! Maybe! We could eat baguettes over skype? I love baguettes! sorry that was a little stereotypical, but i was gonna say tea but that is for britain... here it would be tim hortons, in the US it would probs be starbucks... but i don't know about France... Champagne? ESPRESSO! it's espresso isn't it? oh well, please don't be offended! I love you :) <3 


JAPAN!!!! Hey you! Yeah you :) I know you were checking out my blog too... 10 views around lunchtime (12pm) here..... What's up with that? Not that I don't appreciate the views but it's just so awesome and stuff and i'm curious! Very interesting.... :) COMMENT ALSO JAPAN!!!! I WANT TO KNOW THE STORY!! How did you find the blog? Pleeeeeease!!! I'm soooo curious! If you come here i'll make you french toast and cookies! :) (that goes for france too!) Who are you? 


I saw you viewed too Ukraine.... 8 views.. around the same time as Japan... yeep... WHO ARE YOU? I know, you've checked before but 8 views in one day? Did you tell your friends? If you did, I'm not mad... If you didn't? You should :) I'll love you forever!!! (i make that promise alot :P) but i'll do it! COMMENT UKRAINE! COMMENT! 



RUSSIA. I've had my eye on you for a while, trying to figure out who you are... How did you find me? You've had constant mostly steady views almost from the start... very mysterious! Russia is pretty cool, I've never been but I think I would like it! Tell me... how are the summers? When I think of Russia I always picture it to be either winter or fall and everyone is dressed warmly... We'll have to talk somehow.. over skype or google+ or something.... COMMENT!!! 

I want to know your story! How did you find the blog? How old (doesn't have to be exact age, but relatively close, i won't judge if you say you're older or younger than you really are but no big differences like you're actually 60 but say you're 16, no, just, no.) are you? What do you and don't you like? Suggestions? 

Well I think that's a pretty good post since today was very uneventful. school, home, s'mores in a pan for lexi's b-day, home, plans, nap, cancel plans, nap, dinner, outside, hanging with people, home, MIB 3  and now i'm here fangirling about my readers :P 
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy, check back, comment and know that i love you guys!! :) <3

Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 223 - Tired.

Well once again i'm tired. Can't wait for the weekend. Sleep and French toast and hanging with people... and probs a cool and awesome dinosaur..... unlike the past few.. :P sorry! but yeah. i has to sleep now. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy... and happy!
PS. that is french toast drenched in syrup on the plate.. that's what i'm thinking of right now! :P

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 222 - Is that a bad number?

You know how 666 is a bad number? well is there anything against 222? aaagh i'm so tired!!! i went swimming at the quarry today with rachel, petri and dylan but he was lame and didn't go swimming :( it was also thunderstorming so when petri and i were in the water trying to get the other ones to come into the water  we actually had to get out because that isn't safe. we waited out the storm, got in the water and then got out to wait out another storm, got in the water, rachel came in the water, we swam a little less than half way across before it started to pour so we turned around and got out.. then it was pouring so petri called his dad and dylan and petri got a ride but rachel and i biked because they were having a hard time putting the bikes in the back. then i came home took a hot shower and went over to petri's house to watch a movie. now i'm tired and going to bed. thanks for viewing. keep calm and stay classy and have a super fantastic sleep like i will :D

Day 221 - I lied...

Sorry, I lied to you guys... This dinosaur is lame.. And I missed both of the deadlines, normal and extended... :( well its because I had to get all my school stuff together! Today I finally got some people to go to the quarry with me, and they loved it. I TOLD YOU SO!!! (directed towards them) well here's the Dino thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Ps. Speaking of class my schedule is: bio, math, chem and a spare (that my mum wants me to fill) 2nd semester: English, spare (that mum wants filled) art and physics YAAY FOR 3 SCIENCES!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


So today was my last day of summer and it wasn't too bad. but I could've done more. I spent the nigth at Pistachio's house so about half my day was spent there, then i came home and got my binders out and my pencil case and then came back down and continued to watch big bang theory :D then I fixed the bean bag chair with ducttape and then rachel came to hang out. We went for a barefoot bike ride (I'm slightly influencing people!!! not the first of my friends to take their shoes off) but she didn't even bring them! so we biked and then we went to her house where i failed epically at playing mario cart on the game cube (right now I'm wearing x-box pajama pants :D) and then came home for dinner, read a little bit and then went over to her house with some iced tea and popcorn :d we sat and chatted and then she made tea and then we played a card game called Dutch blitz and the only way i can describe it is: it's sorta like solitaire. :P then i came home beat up some graham crackers and made reeses peanut butter bars, but they don't reaaaaaally taste like reeses... but a little bit ;)
if you want the recipe click HERE
Well tomorrow is the first day of school ( but we only go for half the day) but Rachel and i are gonna walk there together, and maybe back also. I think I might bring a few of these bars for my friends to try out. Renee definitely gets some because they were her graham crackers i used to make it!! Well thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! I'll try to make a better dinosaur tomorrow!
PS. It says "GO TO BED! IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT!" and then in a thought bubble "Finally they will be occupied during the day and I can relax!" Which is what I'm sure all parents are thinking for their days off! :P