1. First of all I need to ask would it not be cool to have dinosaur stickers? like with my dinos on them and then the website in the bottom corner, ya' know? spread the word! Like in the movies! where people randomly get a bunch of stickers and then they give them out to random people and stick them up like the person before them did and then years later they see one and remember all the awesome memories associated with that sticker? I think that would be cool, but i shoulda come up with and put this plan into action before I went down south that way I could stick them up whereever and pass them on to people I meet! Not that I really met anyone, well I did but not that many people! :P Maybe I will make stickers with dinosaurs, and then just hand them out because I can... hmmm thoughts!
2. Can I say that I love lipstick and lip stain without sounding even more wierd than I already am? Well I'm going to say it anyway! I love lipstick and lipstain and just lip makeup in general! I have no idea why but at winter formal I acquired 1 small tube of dark red lipstick... it`s really nice but as i said it`s dark and i don`t know what i would wear it with/ why i would wear it! my friends would give me weird looks, but i'm used to that! The other major lip colour that I have is some red lipstain and boy do i love it! It doesn't last too long on my lips but i really like the way it looks and sometimes i wear it just because I can! I don't really like to wear a lot of eye makeup, mostly because i rub my eyes quite a bit so all I do is a minimal amount of eyeliner :)
well that's all i want to say other than today i made some super spectacular french toast that you are all jealous you didn't get to eat ;P thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
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