So today I woke up and then ate my breakfast, Kristy and I sorta, kinda decided what we were going to do today and then I went upstairs and unintentionally took a 2 hour nap! When Kristy woke me up I immediately got ready and off we went to pick up Daryl (her beau) then we went to timmies and then dropped off a picture frame she sold on kijiji and then we drove and drove and drove until we finally got to the museum and then we went in after we had parked. The dinosaur exhibit was small but I was happy, I think the reason it was so small was because they were all robotic dinosaurs that roared. After we had walked around the dinosaur exhibit we went up to the Yoko Ono exhibit which was cool when you first walked in there was a wishing tree, you write your wish on the card and tie it to the tree... here's my wish:
Then the next one was a wall that had a giant title of "My Mommy Is Beautiful" and there were pieces of paper and markers and push pins so I wrote my note and then posted it on the wall:
The other side of the room had a giant piece of paper on it that you could colour on and I obviously drew this:
Next there were helmets (for war) that were suspended by fishing line that had puzzle pieces for you to take "Take a piece of the sky" since they all had sky on them
After that we walked into a room with a giant piece of canvas on it and string and needles for you to embroider with. I made a cute little heart:
and here is the back of the canvas:
Through another doorway there were shelves and tables with broken pieces of pottery for you to put back together, cute idea but i liked the sky part better.
The last two parts of the exhibit were a completely white chess board and all white pieces: try to remember who is who! And then a canvas with a hole cut in it where you are s'posed to shake hands through. Weird idea, I tried it with Kristy and it was weird because I had no idea when she was going to take my hand!
After that we walked around and went past a strongman competition called Powerfest and we watched that for a while and then we went Miniputting where Daryl won with 50 pts. I got 53 pts and Kristy got 64 pts. I got 3 hole-in-1's!! :) well that's all for tonight, I have to finish packing and then get to bed! I fly back to Timmins tomorrow! :) Thanks for viewing, Keep calm and stay classy!
PS. This dinosaur is made from a crayon pushed on its side over a raised design... I still had to push the crayon over it so it counts!
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