Monday, July 30, 2012
Day 186 - So I sorta lied....
I lied when I said I had only failed at one 365 project when in fact there have been 2.... but the one i'm telling you about was a conscious decision. It was an origami calendar so not quite a challenge but sorta :P you were s'posed to use the previous day's instructions as the current day's origami paper.... which meant that if you wanted to look at the instructions for a specific piece again you had to find the piece by either remembering what you made it in to or by just unfolding them until you found it... I had gone about half way through this and by then i had a whole pile of origami creations.... so i stopped. And that was the end of that. I still look through it sometimes and make a few and some instructions have stuck with me and I make them when i'm bored... like fish. I like making origami fish and that helps everyone because one time I was chillin' in the school caf while there was a scavenger hunt going on and a bunch of my classmates came up to me asking me for an origami creation so i quickly made them a fish and then made a few more so that the next people that came up to me could grab one.... yeah, i make them out of juicy fruit gum wrappers in class all the time... :P well here's today's dinosaur:
Day 185 - DARN IT!

Ps it says: "Hey! Where's my other half? It's missing more than usual! Other Half?"
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Day 184 - sleepover again!
We're going to bed soon.... My mom said I can't go to comic con this year :( well I'll blog more tomorrow, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :) <3 you guys!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Day 183 - OOOOPS!
Hey! Sorry I forgot! Pistachio and I are having a sleepover and we were watching a movie... good thing i saw a dinosaur drawing on pinterest to remind me! Here's the dino, I gotta sleep now, thanks for viewing, sorry it's late, bye!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Day 182 - I get to sleep in tomorrow!

PS. AMASAURUS I FREAKING LOVE YOU!!!!! She got me 2 new shirts with dinosaurs on them! I'll post pics of them sometime this week :P
Day 181 - Stupid Screen...
Okay so sorry that this one is late but the screen on my laptop is being REEEAAALLLLYYY stupid today and the internet keep crashing too, so here he is: a black bear asking a dinosaur where to find food since there have been a bunch of bears wandering around the past few nights, or just one bear seen multiple times...whatever the case thanks for viewing, WE REACHED 3000 TODAY! keep calm and stay classy!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Day 180 - Hmmmm...
Okay so right about now I am super duper tired and didn't get a chance to nap today so I am going to go to sleep (hopefully) after I post this... it won't be a super long blog post because i have many a things to think about.. to ponder.... I've always wanted to use that... many a things... and ponder too.... i don't know if i used them correctly but w/e atleast i wrote it and can now move past that :P well here's today's dinosaur :D Happy birthday Jordyn! Hope you had a fantastic day! Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy and have a great sleep! or nightshift! :P
Day 179 - Can I?
1. First of all I need to ask would it not be cool to have dinosaur stickers? like with my dinos on them and then the website in the bottom corner, ya' know? spread the word! Like in the movies! where people randomly get a bunch of stickers and then they give them out to random people and stick them up like the person before them did and then years later they see one and remember all the awesome memories associated with that sticker? I think that would be cool, but i shoulda come up with and put this plan into action before I went down south that way I could stick them up whereever and pass them on to people I meet! Not that I really met anyone, well I did but not that many people! :P Maybe I will make stickers with dinosaurs, and then just hand them out because I can... hmmm thoughts!
2. Can I say that I love lipstick and lip stain without sounding even more wierd than I already am? Well I'm going to say it anyway! I love lipstick and lipstain and just lip makeup in general! I have no idea why but at winter formal I acquired 1 small tube of dark red lipstick... it`s really nice but as i said it`s dark and i don`t know what i would wear it with/ why i would wear it! my friends would give me weird looks, but i'm used to that! The other major lip colour that I have is some red lipstain and boy do i love it! It doesn't last too long on my lips but i really like the way it looks and sometimes i wear it just because I can! I don't really like to wear a lot of eye makeup, mostly because i rub my eyes quite a bit so all I do is a minimal amount of eyeliner :)
well that's all i want to say other than today i made some super spectacular french toast that you are all jealous you didn't get to eat ;P thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Day 178 - And so the journey comes to an end..
Well I'm finally back home and I'm pretty excited because I get to sleep in my own bed but it also means that i have to be up at 7:00 am tomorrow morning since I babysit :( I want to sleep in! Oh well! I will have weekends for that! I really am hoping to see my friends again tomorrow, if they're still here! Today we left my aunt and uncle's house in Cambridge at 10:00am and then we drove to Toronto for my 1:00pm flight. The reason we left so early was because the Gardener was closed down due to a triathlon. We arrived at the Billy Bishop airport at about 11:00am, 2 hours in advance! We waited there for a while and then we boarded the ferry across to the actual airport where we put my checked baggage through, then we sat and talked and waited. Eventually we decided that I should go through the actual security checkpoint and so I did. I said my goodbyes and then I went through and only had to take out my laptop! Then I went and sat down in one of the chairs on the other side in the lounge and boy was it nice in there! there was all sorts of food you could get, but I only ate the cookies my Auntie Diane sent with me... they were delicious! :D Then They finally called my flight up for boarding and so i got on. and it was a nice flight, not too long and it was smooth too! after we landed I got off and went to wait for my luggage where I met my mum :) <3 I had missed her so much! and then we saw one of my down the street neighbours and then we got my stuff and went food shopping. then I got home and everything was different! I now have a really clean room and a bunch of new organizing things and its nice :) Mom I really appreciate it, thank you!!
Well I'm really tired, I have an early morning, goodnight, thanks for viewing (almost at 3000 views!!) keep calm and stay classy!
PS. this is another dinosaur that I made yesterday and am posting today because its too hot and i'm too tired!
Day 177 - Dinosaurs, Yoko Ono, Powerfest and 3 Hole-in-ones!
So today I woke up and then ate my breakfast, Kristy and I sorta, kinda decided what we were going to do today and then I went upstairs and unintentionally took a 2 hour nap! When Kristy woke me up I immediately got ready and off we went to pick up Daryl (her beau) then we went to timmies and then dropped off a picture frame she sold on kijiji and then we drove and drove and drove until we finally got to the museum and then we went in after we had parked. The dinosaur exhibit was small but I was happy, I think the reason it was so small was because they were all robotic dinosaurs that roared. After we had walked around the dinosaur exhibit we went up to the Yoko Ono exhibit which was cool when you first walked in there was a wishing tree, you write your wish on the card and tie it to the tree... here's my wish:
Then the next one was a wall that had a giant title of "My Mommy Is Beautiful" and there were pieces of paper and markers and push pins so I wrote my note and then posted it on the wall:
Next there were helmets (for war) that were suspended by fishing line that had puzzle pieces for you to take "Take a piece of the sky" since they all had sky on them
After that we walked into a room with a giant piece of canvas on it and string and needles for you to embroider with. I made a cute little heart:
Through another doorway there were shelves and tables with broken pieces of pottery for you to put back together, cute idea but i liked the sky part better.
The last two parts of the exhibit were a completely white chess board and all white pieces: try to remember who is who! And then a canvas with a hole cut in it where you are s'posed to shake hands through. Weird idea, I tried it with Kristy and it was weird because I had no idea when she was going to take my hand!
After that we walked around and went past a strongman competition called Powerfest and we watched that for a while and then we went Miniputting where Daryl won with 50 pts. I got 53 pts and Kristy got 64 pts. I got 3 hole-in-1's!! :) well that's all for tonight, I have to finish packing and then get to bed! I fly back to Timmins tomorrow! :) Thanks for viewing, Keep calm and stay classy!
PS. This dinosaur is made from a crayon pushed on its side over a raised design... I still had to push the crayon over it so it counts!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Day 176 - Memories...

PS. Only 2 days left of vacationing for me!
PPS. Remember you can click on the pictures to make them larger!
left: Squishy
right: Squishy hugging Rob
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Day 175 - New place..
so today I moved onto the last of my visits before I go back home and so far I'm having fun! I'm really tired but I'm having fun! Here's my dinosaur whom I painted on a "buddha board" in Quark Soup down town Stratford since I didn't tell you where I was and you will only find out where I currently am after I return home on Sunday! Well I have to take a shower and then head to bed since we're going out tomorrow! G'night, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!!
Ps. The bottom is messed up since I just drew some squiggles on it first!
Ps. The bottom is messed up since I just drew some squiggles on it first!
Day 174 - 42nd Street
Today I went to see the musical 42nd Street with my cousin Ashley at the Shakespeare Festival and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWWWWWWEEEEEEESSSSSOOOOMMMMEEEEE!!!!!!! Yeah, there are very few things I get this excited about.... but seriously read what I already wrote like 5 times and you *might* eventually get how excited i am AFTER I saw it :P Earlier today I went shopping with my other cousin Steph in downtown Stratford and I got 3 pins I'll post pictures :) and some new earrings and some chocolate too. I wish I had found some more cute skirts or dresses, maybe a shirt or definitely some shoes. I kinda want to head back to St.Catharines and go get the rainbow shoes and more skirts from the Pen Center (or whatever it was called) well I gotta go to bed because I transfer over to my other aunt's house tomorrow at 10! well here's today's dinosaur which I drew on the paper table cloth at Crabby Joe's when Steph and I went to eat there (I actually ordered exactly $15 worth of food (with taxes) :P
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Okay so yeah I know it's late but i was busy looking up ways to easily heal a sunburn fast. but didn't find any that seemed to work.. :/ oh well. Here's what i did today: Woke up at around 10, at breakfast, took a shower, then i was driven over to my nana's house and then we talked and sat around and watched TV then I walked to timmies for lunch and then ate it when i got back there, then we chilled and watched tv until around and then we ordered Pizza Hut half and half ( pep. & cheese and the other half vegetarian) and then it was delivered for 5:30 after we ate that we had some ice cream and then Steph and Ash came and picked me up a little bit before 7:00 so i said goodbye and then we left, we picked up Steph's friend Claire and went to timmies, after that we drove around and honked and waved at people :P then we came back and chilled and watched pretty little liars and i was super confused because i don't watch that show then we went swimming at the hotel where claire's mom works (steph's boyfriend was there too) and it was fun and then some guys came in and were sitting at a table and it was sorta weird then Dean asked them to leave so that they could change and then we saw them leaving the parking lot like 30 secs. before we drove off and steph honked so they pulled over and then everyone was freaking out and we quickly turned the other way! This Dinosaur is a reenactment of the scene :P and then when we turned onto the back roads and someone turned after us and the claire and ash were freaking out and it was funny :P then we finally got back on the highway we passed by Crabby Joes and saw their truck and it was funny because they asked claire what was fun around here and she said wing night at crabby joes so they actually listened to her and went there :P anyway i'm going to go since it took me 37 mins to write this since i'm also watching a new episode of TLC's What Not To Wear... I love this show! oh and here are the new skirts and tank tops i bought the other day in st. catharines, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Monday, July 16, 2012

PS. Where it's orange is where i'm burnt.. i couldn't find red or pink... :P
Day 171 - I feel like I'm in a spy movie....
okay so i'm onto my next leg of my journey, I left Annie's house behind and moved onto my aunt, uncle and cousin's house but I already miss Annie :( Today I went to a horse show and then we went back to the house and I had a showered and then had to re-pack my bags in 15 mins and then we drove to the rendezvous point to meet my aunt and uncle who were in a black car and when i told Annie what colour car they were driving she exclaimed "it is like a spy movie!" (or something similar) well this is late, i know but that is because i was visiting with my cousins! well here's my dinosaur, thansk for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Day 170 - Horse Shows
So today I went to a horse show and tomorrow i am going to do it again, they are long and there is a lot of waiting but there are a lot of really nice ponies and horses, I went and helped out at the barn today too while we were waiting for annie's division to come up, i think i was there for like 4 hours? and it was fun :D Well I have to go sew a button onto annie's shirt so thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! I'll try to blog a little bit more tomorrow or something but i don't know what is happening when i get transferred to my aunt's house but if i stay at my nana's i won't have internet so bear with me! I will make a dinosaur and upload it even if they do end up being a day late.... well good night!
oh and btw it says "Sure, you can ride a horse, but I can ride a dinosaur!"
oh and btw it says "Sure, you can ride a horse, but I can ride a dinosaur!"
Friday, July 13, 2012
Day 169 - I want a dooog!
I really want a dog!!! i know i've blogged about this before but i really want a dog and here is a dog at annies house right now ): he's so friggen cute like omg! :D So today Annie and I went shopping and it was fun :D She got two tank tops and I got 3 tank tops and 3 skirts that i'm really happy with since i can't find them nice and cheap in timmins. The store i got them from were having a renovations sale so i got the tank tops 3/$10 and then i got 2 skirts 2/$30 and then another one 50% off :D it was nice
Well I don't want to be rude so thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :)
Well I don't want to be rude so thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :)
Day 168 - Niagara Falls
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