So today some people broke into at least 2 houses in my neighbourhood. I say at least because if you don't know what to look for then you probably wouldn't notice! I think it is terrible the amount of crime in the world, you aren't satisfied with what you have so you have to take it from others. so sad. Anyway today I went biking and i didn't just bike around the lake again or anything like that I biked to dome mine and then found an interesting gated off area that i biked through, I went up onto some hills and then back down when i couldn't go anywhere, then i biked down another path and that went no where so i biked down another path that just stopped dead turned around and went home, it wasn't as fast as that because it was really uneven and bumpy ground and there were hills, one part was covered in thistles and i could see a lake of some sort from the top, i'm gonna explore that more someday and there was an ice hut looking thing that had an engine or generator in it and some garbage cans outside and it was making black smoke and lots of noise and was kinda scary actually, when i admit that i feel like a dog being scared of a vacuum cleaner :P I really wish that i had like farmland or something that i could bike past, I'm bored of this scenery but i will make the most of it, maybe go biking behind the police station because i have been told there are trails there.... i must explore! Well I am dead tired from that bike ride so good night! Thanks for viewing! Keep calm and stay classy!
PS. Don't forge to lock your doors when you leave!
PPS. This is Robbie the Robber, I know what you're thinking: I'm super creative with the names i choose! Thanks!

Pics: Pistachio with her Spiderman cake that i made it even had blue and what was s'posed to be red on the inside because those are Spiderman colours! Happy Birthday Pistachio!
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