Wow, been a little while since I created a huge blog post but I figure that while I sit here with my (burned) feet in a cold tub of water I can blog for a while. So you might be wondering, how on earth did she burn her feet? sunburn on the top? Nooo, much worse, burned on the bottom, on the soles of my feet. Yeah, I know, it's weird but as I was walking home from my last day of in-class driver's ed my flip flop broke so naturally I took them off and walked the rest of the way barefoot. This included sidewalks and roads (Which were the worst!!) but in the 1.6 km (approximate) it took for me to walk home I burned my feet on the hot pavement. It hurts to walk on and its kinda swollen and red (not as bad as yesterday!) and it mostly only affected the ball of my feet which yes, was red, but not as red as the picture :P Anyway so since then I have kept them in cold water when I can or put ice packs on them, its much better today. Yesterday I also got eaten alive when I went outside but it was so hot and nice out it was hard not to, I went geo-caching with Petri and Dylan and being in flip-flops, racer back tank top and short overalls was not a good idea. I came home with so many bug bites it was crazy! I went home changed into a pair of capris, knee high socks, and just a light shirt to go over my tank top, we ended up going back to Petri's house and watched a movie,
Our Idiot Brother (click
HERE for the trailer) It was SO GOOD! I expected it to be awesome and it was! It totally lived up to my expectations! Paul Rudd is awesome and yeah :) I wouldn't mind being like him in the movie, other than the drugs and jail time and stuff :P but just loving everything so much and enjoying and living life to the fullest... Carpe Diem... Seize the day. :) After I got home, i made my dinosaur and went to bed. Recently I have been totally obsessing over pinterest, and have been just searching for cool tutorials, DIY and crafts :P Pretty much just stuff I can make, I have found a lot of stuff but have no time to make any of it! I've also found a lot of cool crafting and DIY websites (If you want to follow me click
HERE) I've been seeing lots of cool tutorials for hammocks and I reeeeeally want to make one but I don't have the space! I wish I had two trees the perfect length apart because then i totally would! I might make one this summer anyway, but still it would be cool if i had somewhere to hang it.... Maybe I'll make the hammock like this guy and tie it between the street posts..... (click the picture to go to the tutorial) Other tutorials I have been looking at/for are instructions on how to make quick, easy and stylish skirts and dresses because as some people have suggested... this summer should be the summer of no pants... FAIL, I just dropped ketchup on my keyboard... -.- now i have to take the keys off to clean it.... okay back to the topic, summer of no pants... For those of you who are totally clueless, no people won't be walking around in their underwear, it mean dresses and skirts because they are
ÜBER comfy and makes you feel free :P no restrictions of pants, for those of you guys who have ever worn a kilt, you know what I'm talking about! Although usually women wear some sort of undergarment.... enough of that, I'm planning on making this summer a total DIY and crafting summer, decorations for my room, clothes, jewelry (already do that part) and lots of other stuff. I just got a job babysitting for the summer and this will definitely allow me to create stuff because the little girl i will be babysitting likes to make stuff and is very creative, she also like biking which will make this easy! You can go so many places on a bike! SOOOOOO MANY PLACES!! I love my bike and i love biking, total control and you can go as fast as you want! My favourite part of a day is when i bike home after dark going down hill as fast as i can, going downhill means that i don't have to pedal that much to gain tons of speed, it's an AWESOME feeling. Yeah, I have a totally awesome very detailed idea of my perfect summer... here goes:

Start off the summer with just relaxing and then drive to British Columbia and camp when i need to then just chill out and be a beach bum when i make it there, maybe find a part time job or some way to get money, then just chill out and create stuff, go camping WITH MY HAMMOCK!! Finding some people to hang out with and just sitting by a campfire on a beach :) makes me smile just thinking about it. If I didn't have a cage for my cats taking up the back yard I would totally make it awesome, let the grass grow long-ish, string chinese lantern variations in the trees or strung across from the garage to the fence then put some chairs and a table back there, maybe the fire pit sometimes, make the garden look nice/ plant more flowers back there and it would be awesome! I would be so happy if I could do that :) I spend too much time with my head in the clouds... clouds are awesome though... kinda mystical, you know? So fluffy and sometimes they just look wicked... totally awesome, 3D too! I know you're probably thinking that I'm half retarded but sometimes clouds just look so... flat. like they are just painted onto the sky, they have no dimension... they just are. And then there are some days where they stand out and look amazing, and yeah, they look 3D! Sometimes I just want to go climb a mountain and just sit and stare.. Watch the day pass and turn into night and then just stargaze, you would get the most amazing view ever! especially if you had telescope, wow... that would be phenomenal!! So here's today's dinosaur, the one in the chair is me :D and the one standing up is just a visitor i guess :P Anyway thanks for viewing, I clap for those of you who actually read the whole thing :P Keep calm and stay classy! If you find any great tutorials then just comment or something to send me the link! :) BYE! LOVE YOU GUYS!! :D

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