so i have this thing i want to do... today i bought a pack of little dinosaurs.. i'm going to hide them around my school... dunno where, but i'm going to and then people will find them and be like "what? a dinosaur?" so yeah, if you read this and then find a dinosaur, you can keep it, or just hide it somewhere else! i will be hiding 8 of them in totally random spots :D if i remember :P

so yeah, boring day today i worked on my costume and then went to the mall and then i went over to nat's house and we played just dance and i think that in the end we tied with the number of wins we each had :P then i came home and lazed around.. school in the morning -.- not excited whatsoever, can't wait until friday!! wooo!!! it's getting close to halloween, what are you gonna be? i'm pretty sure that everyone knows imma be a dinosaur :P thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
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