Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Day 277 - Another!!
So Zack paid me $5 to carve his pumpkin... and this is how it turned out! except i added eyes after... not much else has happened... i'll post a pic of my costume tomorrow... it's gonna be a hot day!! thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!! :D PS. happy birthday isaac!!
Day 276 - so i tried to carve a gourd
Let me tell you how hard it is to carve a gourd: REALLY DAMN HARD. It broke and this is how it ended up...
So I kinda think that it woulda worked a lot better if I tried to carve a pumpkin but i did my pumpkin as ironman which turned out kinda awesome!!
So yeah, I have homework to do thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!!
Ps. sorry i fell asleep early last night.. i was pooched!
So I kinda think that it woulda worked a lot better if I tried to carve a pumpkin but i did my pumpkin as ironman which turned out kinda awesome!!
So yeah, I have homework to do thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!!
Ps. sorry i fell asleep early last night.. i was pooched!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Day 275 - OMG i'm really tired!

PS. i leave you with this video and song since there is only like 2 days before halloween!! plus i actually love it, probs one of my favourite songs of all time! CLICK HERE!! oh and i think someone should start a flash mob with this exact dance sometime around halloween in timmins!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Day 274 - so i was a waitress tonight

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Day 273 - 2 more...

PS> I GOT A VIEW FROM SPAIN THE OTHER DAY!!! AAAAH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! you guys have no idea how long i've been waiting for this... actaully you kinda do... 273 days!!! well it would've been more like 271 or 272 but still!! :P
Friday, October 26, 2012
Day 272 - So that was eventful...
so today i went on a school trip to kap for basketball and thats a 2 hour ride each way. so yeah, there was a lot of eating and sleeping and music. we lost but found out that we wont the game against THVS by default because they had an "illegal" player whatever they mean by that so they got disqualified or something :P suckers!! yeah so thats 2 games we've won which actually gives us a chance to get into NEOAA woot! yeah so i have to sleep, not feeling too well.. dunno if i'll go, probs will but you never know! there was a wicked storm this morning too, which was weird it was thunder and lightning and lots of rain, i was in bed hoping (along with everyone else) that in some weird way they would cancel school and have a "rain day" or something :P very unlikely!! anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
oh yeah and i got a charger for my laptop that won't charge it but will supply power! sweeeeet!! :D
and the reason the dino is a shaky is because i used the track pad on my laptop to draw it... it's pretty challenging!!
oh yeah and i got a charger for my laptop that won't charge it but will supply power! sweeeeet!! :D
and the reason the dino is a shaky is because i used the track pad on my laptop to draw it... it's pretty challenging!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Day 271 - basketball trip tomorrow!!
woot okay so i'm pretty excited to go to Kapuskasing for a basketball game but not for the 2 hour ride each way.... oh well! um... nothing exciting happened today.. someone found and took the dinosaur that was upstairs in my school and isaac took the one out of the locker plus my sharpie... -.- umm.. other than that... nothing.. so yeah, i'm gonna go, gotta get to sleep so thanks for viewing! keep calm and stay classy! :)
Day 270 - damn internet connection
so I'm really sorry that I didn't post one last night my internet wasn't working so I didn't get a chance to post it nothing really exciting happened yesterday anyway..... Thinking of cutting my hair short appointment is in the middle of November so I have some time to think about it because if the appointment was like today,I don't know if I would doit, maybe as a spur of the moment thing but I really think I'm gonna do it!!! Anyways math class is about to start, so thanks for viewing,keep calm and stay classy!! :D
PS. sorry that it is once again late, because i couldn't upload from my tablet for some reason.... this whole no laptop thing is taking a toll on me...
PS. sorry that it is once again late, because i couldn't upload from my tablet for some reason.... this whole no laptop thing is taking a toll on me...
Monday, October 22, 2012
Day 269 - My life is lots of awkward moments strung together
so you remember when i told you that i walked into the boys change room in the middle of a basketball game and then had to walk out in front of the crowd? well a similar thing happened today... because i just have a totally awkward life. so i was going in to Baldwin office and Isaac started pulling on my backpack so that i couldn't go in saying "only Baldwin people can go in" and so i just slipped out of my arm straps and he took off with my backpack, didn't really care. dealt with my business in Baldwin office and then went with Jason and Kathleen to find Isaac and my backpack and as we rounded the corner we saw him standing at the door of the boys washroom with a huge grin on his face.. you can see where this is going.... if you can't then just read that over and let it sink in... so i ran in after him but he held the door closed and then Jason finally got it open and i went in while Kathleen stayed out to make sure no one went in (such a nice friend) and Jason and i got my backpack back from isaac and then came the awkward part, walking out. and there were a couple of guys out in the hallway waiting to go in and then it was like me *casually walk out after isaac and jason* guys: *stare* what? why were you in there?

isaac: i know eh? it's really weird like why was she in there (etc)
kathleen: lets just hope that the vice principal or principal weren't looking at the cameras as you walked out *points at the camera just down the hall*
me: awwwwks...
so yeah that was another awkward moment in the life of kelly... but whatever.
so i have to go to bed, good night! thanks for viewing! hope today's post was entertaining! keep calm and stay classy! :D
PS. i put a couple of dinosaurs around the school pictures to come! i'm gonna have to check and see if they are still there in the morning!
Day 268 - >:}

Sunday, October 21, 2012
Day 267 - Babysitting
So right now I'm babysitting and I'm super bored because I don't have anyone to talk to and I'm hungry. I really want microwave popcorn, the really buttery kind, and BBQ chips, and a root beer would be nice too! But I know I'm not getting any of that :( so yeah, I drew today's dinosaur on the chalkboard wall in the playroom at this house and the little boy I'm babysitting was mesmerized by it and he's going to be a dinosaur for Halloween too! His sister is going to be a fairy (If I remember correctly :P )
So I just got home and I'm dead tired so I'm going to bed, thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy!! :)
So I just got home and I'm dead tired so I'm going to bed, thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy!! :)
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Day 266 - A day of reading

anyway i have to sleep, good night! thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy and don't forget to reeeeead!! :D
PS. I'm sitting here on my bed and i have no idea what to do for a dinosaur because i need something quick because i'm lazy but i don't remember what all i have made so GRR.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Day 265 - 100 days left!!!
wow... this is exciting, only 100 days left.... what will i do with my life afterwards? i have no idea.. so today i had a sick day because i felt extremely nauseated, i didn't even make it through one class before i called my mum and got her to take me home, i missed a b-ball game against THVS and i have no idea how it went... i don't like my hair the way it is... i kinda want bangs again because i've been wanting them back for a while but they are almost all grown out and a bunch of people just got bangs soo.... :/ yeah. ugh i wish i could wear my x-box pants everywhere because they are just so comfy!! anyway i need sleep, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :)
Day 264 - Sorrrrrrrrry!!!!
So last nigt i was working on my math with Zack and then i looked at te time and it was 11:00 and i really needed to go to bed and then i totally forgot to post my dino :( I was gonna post it at school but i went home sick and then went to bed and slept until 2:30 pm... so thats why i'm writing it now. this is a dinosaur i drew on my chemistry test... science dinosaur! :P did i tell you that i dropped my ipod and shattered the bottom corner of it? well if i didn't, i dropped my ipod. now its covered with zebra duct tape so that i don't get anymore glass in my fingers.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Day 263 - Yearbook
so today we had a yearbook meeting where this lady from sudbury came to the school to teach us how to use the yearbook software and i was pulled from my 3&4th per. classes which sucked because i had math homework that i needed a head start on and i missed a chem lab and blah. i hated it. it was boring and i don't even want to be in this class and blech. i hate it. oh wait. i already said that...... ugh. i hate it. in other new i brought cupcakes to school and they were delicious and some people who weren't even on the basketball team got some, like shelby (it was her b-day) nat, kathleen, isaac, petri, brianna, callie, and i think that was it... but i dunno... i still have a bunch of cupcakes here at my house so imma bring more tomorrow, def. one for karly because she didn't get one (didn''t want it at lunch and then left before i could give her one after practice) and amy becasue she left after school before she could get one.. although i don't know what flavour amy wants so imma have to bring a chocolate and a vanilla and i'll eat the other one... and also something exciting happened today... i dropped my ipod on the corner and demolished the bottom left hand corner of the screen... oh joy. and i got apiece in my foot before practice and then near the end i figured out that it wasn't a rock in my shoe but a piece of glass in my foot... :) jk jk :( i got to meet jamie's puppy today also, omg it's sooooo adorable and i got little puppy kisses and awwww he was adorable his name is Enzo and he's black and white and i just love him!! he looked really funny though because they are trying to keep his ears pointy so they have popsicle sticks and duct tape working as splits to form them so he has duct tape ears and he's still cute!! anyway here's my dino, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
PS don't mind the math on the sides :P
PPS i leave you the link to a video of a cat who smacks alligators... its awesome! http://www.youtube.com/embed/Duqvb-IRv9c
PS don't mind the math on the sides :P
PPS i leave you the link to a video of a cat who smacks alligators... its awesome! http://www.youtube.com/embed/Duqvb-IRv9c
Monday, October 15, 2012
Day 262 - Cupcakes...

except for the drinking and smoking parts... that's not me. just the being super tired part... and on that note i leave you with this dinosaur and i'm going to bed!
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!! :D
Ps. don't forget to pin it on pinterest! and follow me while you're at it! click -> http://pinterest.com/pin/275352964688558482/
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Day 261 - have i ever told you guys about how much i want to sleep?
a lot. thats how much. and right now i have some sleeping to attend to... i started to work on my costume today, i went to dollarama with my maj and we found some ordinary objects that i am going to morph into dinosaur hands and feet :P i already have the hands more or less figured out and the feet i have a vague idea of, i reaaally need a snow day tomorrow... that would be super nice... or an ice day... just so that i can sleep... anyway here's my dino, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 260 - I hope this doesn't become a thing....
Sorry guys I fell asleep at like 8 last night so I didn't get a chance to upload it or tell you about my day, here goes: I woke up at 8 then made some hot chocolate and got ready and then I went to Rachel's house and we went to the school for the garbage pick up. I went with Kathleen and Dylan and we had a pretty large stretch of highway and we got 5 or 6 bags garbage, mostly Tim Hortons cups and McDonald's wrappers, probably why Timmies sponsored it :P after we did that we were picked up and brought to the school where we played in the gym and then ate pizza and then we left and I chilled and i went shoping, ot a new pair of shoes then fell asleep. So here's the dinosaur, I drew it on the white board in the storage room in the gym :P
Friday, October 12, 2012
Day 259 - 106...
Only 106 days left before this beautiful thing ends!! i don't know what i'll do! well for starters i can go to bed whenever i want to and i don't have to worry that i haven't made my dinosaur... i'm going to be making other parts of my hallooween costume tomorrow, probably the dinosaur hands... dunno how... probs claws on mittens painted green? but i think i want to make them into the 3 finger gloves to make it a little bit more realistic.... and at some point i need to make dinosaur feet... i think i will have to make a tail too.... hmmmmm...
today i hung out with rachel after i went shopping with my maj, we played cards and had tea and it was nice :) anyway, i have a highway cleanup that i am participating in tomorrow.. gotta sleep, 3 hours of work, gotta be up at 8, ride at 8:30, start at 9 end at 12... is it sad to say that i'm kinda only doing this for the volunteer hours and the pizza? freezing my butt off... but we get pizza in the end... good deal? yeah, i think so!!!

thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
PS. you guys don't know it but right now i have two cats sleeping next to me on my bed, and they are being soooooo cute!! :D <3 gotta love them :)
Day 258 - OMG WE WONNNNN!!!! :D
sorry for all the extra letters and exclamation points... i'm just so excited. usually we only win our last game and its always against IF and this time it was our 4th (?) game and it was against ogorman!!! we rocked it! it was amazing! we had such tough defense and they were getting frustrated in the first quarter!! :P it was awesome! This calls for victory cupcakes... i think they will be chocolate with mocha icing, although i kinda want to make it green and yellow icing and you can't do that with mocha :P maybe i'll make some white and then dye it green and yellow and then use the rest for mocha and i'll just write on them in colour :P they will be delicious as always! :D So that will be happening sometime next week... ummmmm... not much else happened today, i talked with mrs. donovan :D i miss having her in guidance :( and i noticed that in the new two and a half men intro that the kid who used to be gross, is now actually kinda hot ;) might be a reason to watch it! and ashton kutcher is in it too now soooo....
anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!! :D
sorry for all the extra letters and exclamation points... i'm just so excited. usually we only win our last game and its always against IF and this time it was our 4th (?) game and it was against ogorman!!! we rocked it! it was amazing! we had such tough defense and they were getting frustrated in the first quarter!! :P it was awesome! This calls for victory cupcakes... i think they will be chocolate with mocha icing, although i kinda want to make it green and yellow icing and you can't do that with mocha :P maybe i'll make some white and then dye it green and yellow and then use the rest for mocha and i'll just write on them in colour :P they will be delicious as always! :D So that will be happening sometime next week... ummmmm... not much else happened today, i talked with mrs. donovan :D i miss having her in guidance :( and i noticed that in the new two and a half men intro that the kid who used to be gross, is now actually kinda hot ;) might be a reason to watch it! and ashton kutcher is in it too now soooo....
anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!! :D
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Day 257 - Dear math...

I am not a therapist...
No Love,
Kelly McIntosh
Ps. Please do not respond to this letter, I really don't care about you.
Dear Math,
I'm sick of trying to find your x, please accept the fact that she's never coming back and..
Stay out of my life,
Kelly McIntosh
I hate math. that is all. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Day 256 - Soo tired..
i just want to get away, to sleep and get away, and not have a care in the world, not have to eat or drink unless i want to, i can sleep for forever, no bills, no money, no work. just free. so yeah, here's my dino, i need sleep... i had 2 tests today, chem and bio and i'm confident about both... thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
PS. I can add Panama, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Finland, Czech Republic, Columbia (and i'll list more tomorrow) to my map because i updated it tonight and got some views (panama, preu and brazil) this week!
PS. I can add Panama, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Finland, Czech Republic, Columbia (and i'll list more tomorrow) to my map because i updated it tonight and got some views (panama, preu and brazil) this week!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Day 254 - Happy thanks giving!
I hope you guys had a fantastic day like i did! :D i had a home cooked meal that was prepared by my mother and it was super delicious, we had turkey, potatoes, corn, buns, turnip and carrots, stuffing and most importantly, homemade pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top... MMMMMMMMMM!!!! YUM. it was fantastic, so yeah, i need to sleep now, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Day 253 - whoops!!
Hey sorry I didn't post a dinosaur last night I totally forgot because it was Annie's last night staying with me :( so we watched the avengers (her first time watching and my 4th time watching it.. It ended at like 2:30 am and then we went right to bed so once again I'm sorry, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Day 252 - Annie!!
Okay so Annie is here right now staying annie is awesome night and she changed "the" to say annie is awesome and so that is what that is about anyway we need to get to bed so good night. Thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy :)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Day 251 - 4001!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Day 250 - only 115 days left!!!
OMG i'm so tired.. i kow you're tired of me blogging about how tired i am but it's true. i'm gonna try going to bed really early tonight so that i will be all good for tomorrow's game although its stupid and doesn't start until 6:00 like fml. what a waste of a night. that is one of the reasons i don't want to get a job because if you work right after school, there goes practice and games. but if you wanted to work after a game that would be like 7:30 depending on how fast you can get from the school or whereever to your workplace.... and then to get a decent sleep go to bed at 11 and if you work retail then most shops close at like 9 or 9:30 so that sucks because you only get like 1.5-2 hours... so yeah... plus you need time to do your homework...
ah screw it. i'm going to become a pirate, not like a real pirate but i'm going to have a huge pirate ship like boat with a whole crew and everything, but it would probably have to be wooden or just not have any electricity because you have to pay for that, and i won't have any money... being an unemployed boater..
and my crew will be like "cap'n where to?" and i'd say "meh. anywhere.... i don't really care... have you ever looked at the sunset upsidedown? it's pretty fantastic" and then they would all be like "huh?" and then proceed to look at the sunset upside down and we will all be happy and whatnot... :P
yeep, life goals... anyway, gotta do my math and study for science and then go to bed.. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Ps it's not quite a pirate ship but it'll do...
ah screw it. i'm going to become a pirate, not like a real pirate but i'm going to have a huge pirate ship like boat with a whole crew and everything, but it would probably have to be wooden or just not have any electricity because you have to pay for that, and i won't have any money... being an unemployed boater..
and my crew will be like "cap'n where to?" and i'd say "meh. anywhere.... i don't really care... have you ever looked at the sunset upsidedown? it's pretty fantastic" and then they would all be like "huh?" and then proceed to look at the sunset upside down and we will all be happy and whatnot... :P
yeep, life goals... anyway, gotta do my math and study for science and then go to bed.. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Ps it's not quite a pirate ship but it'll do...
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Day 249 - UUUUGH MATH.
SO once again i have math homework that is due tomorrow and i don't a bunch of it and i need sleep and we have basketball practice tomorrow so i need to sleep, we played against kapuskasing today and they beat us like 6 -40 or so but i have to say for the amount of confusion in my head, i played pretty well.... anyways thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy and don't expect anything good for the next few days, i'm gonna die...
Monday, October 1, 2012
Day 248 - Homework...

today i freaked out because i couldn't remember my 3rd period class at all, i didn't remember going, or getting any work, or doing any work, or talking to anyone and i was like "omg was i even in chem? was anyone? where was i during 3rd? aaaah!!!" but thats because i was trying to remember something that didn't happen because we went to the computer lab with miss baker rather than to the chem lab with mrs. wisemen..... so yeah, freak out about nothing... blonde moment! i have homework and sleep to attend to... good night thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy...
ps. i want to quit basketball.
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