So i'm really tired because i've been working on my essay for the past little while, god i hate essays, well boring topic essays, other than that i can usually write a 5 paragraph essay no problem. I wish life was simpler. Like there was less to it. kinda like a mix of this life and life a long time ago. There weren't as many people in the world, the world wasn't as developed. We just kinda lived a life of leisure... you could work if you wanted to, you could do anything really, and we would have the internet and stuff we have today, but we'd be more environmentally friendly and you could spend all day out in the fields tanning and playing with your friends, crafting or whatever and then you would return to your house where there would be more organic foods and less processed but it would be created pretty much by magic unless you wanted to work in a factory... which i doubt anyone would. we would have the internet (so i can look up good ideas for crafts) and you only attended school if you wanted to, I would probably go on the days i felt like learning something, It wouldn't matter how often you went to school either because there would be no tests or exams. You would learn what you wanted to learn and you didn't have to stay the whole time. There would be no bad people so you could walk around by yourself in one of the more populated area without being scared you would be robbed or whatever, you could fly where and when ever you want spontaneously and there would be no security because no one is bad, remember? Everyone would be equal and no one would judge you about anything, it would just be a nice leisurely life that you could make challenging by doing certain tasks, there would still be heartbreak and emotions, you could be sad or mad, happy or confused but those were the only daily challenges that you couldn't get rid of, sorta like now... You could still get hurt but there would still be hospitals and stuff so you would get treated immediately. There would be nothing severe though... no cancer or other really bad diseases, everyone would be born healthy and stuff like that. Eventually you might die.. Might. I haven't decided because some people might not like eternal life... and then the earth might get over crowded eventually. There would be other inhabitable planets near us ( thousands exactly like earth) that had other life forms but not humans and we knew how to get into space and not die :P WELL. That was exciting.... and now back to reality :( there is one person on my mind and he is being so confusing! I rawr in frustration! RAWR! RAWR! and I would tell you but naw. I don't share everything with the internet especially because i bet half the people who read this know him..... and no it's not you. You know who you are. I just wanna say Hi to all the people that view my blog in Russia and the United Kingdom so Hi! How are you? How was your day today? I hope it was nice and relaxing and that nothing bad happened to you because that would make me sad.... :( But I bet you had a great day, Yeah, I've been monitoring the views in my blog and the most views come from my homeland Canada (OBV.) and then(not in order) Russia, United Kingdom and the United States :) You guys are awesome because I don't even know you but you're getting a glimpse into my life... weird isn't it? I wish I could talk to some of you, get your feedback, ideas, suggestions, comments or whatever just talk! because I like talking :) So thanks for viewing and stay classy! Oh right! I found this and totally loved it, Keep Calm and Stay Classy! I freaking love you guys :) <3
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