The future scares me... although I wouldn't mind a glimpse into it, see what kind of life i'm living and maybe change it if it doesn't suit me... Exams are soon, like 2 weeks away... D: I'm terrified. Excited for summer but not, at the same time. I'm not ready for it. Life is just passing me by and i'm just uuugh. so slow! SLOW DOWN LIFE! I"M VISITING ANNIE IN JULY!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I CAN'T WAIT!!! okay so I've listened to this a bunch of times because it's awesome and stuff: thanks dylan :P <-- WATCH THAT! :P yeah so umm.... i need more embroidery floss and i'm starting driver's ed next weeek i think
or something um yeah. gotta go!, thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! G'night!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Day 125 - History, sleeping, giant tigers and the corridor to hell.
Okay so I thought about blogging today like a really good blog post, tell you about my week and such, maybe throw in some pretty awesome fantastical stories.. but I have history homework... -.- and because of my two hour long nap this afternoon, i lost all of that time that i could've used towards my homework... :( but maybe with that little bit more sleep I will not almost fall asleep in math class... with my teacher's monotone voice and the unending boredom associated with math I cannot stand math class and usually I'm pretty tired by then... I would probably do better if it was in the afternoon, maybe I'll start eating apples... Apples are really good at keeping you awake... I actually cannot remember one math class where I was not tired/ started day dreaming/ took a quick little nap (5 mins tops :P) Why can't math be fun? Or more like why can't math still be just addition/subtraction/multiplication/division.. no more of this trigonometry and algebra... just simple stuff... :D oh well... I can dream Thanks for viewing, Keep calm and Stay classy! :D
Pictures: top left: Me in math class,
Top right: me taking my nap :P I actually woke up with my hands up near my chest as though I was trying to be a t-rex :P only part of my dream i remember was a huge tiger that was atleast 12ft. at the shoulder... :/ freaky oh, and there was a sauna and i was walking down the street in my bathing suit...
Bottom right: A 1 point indoor perspective I drew for art class... Kinda like the corridor to the gates of hell.... well my version, kinda classy eh? the carpet would be blood red, and the walls would be a darker shade of red than the carpet or black. candles would be red too... :D gotta go! g'night!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Day 124 - Drivey drive drive... VROOM!
I went driving today :D and I drove on the highway :D big step up from the parking lots :P anyway I have no idea what to tell you about today because there are just some things that I don't want to share with the internet and all the people who read my blog..... I need more skirts... I have dressed but not many skirts... sometimes you just don't feel like wearing pants so you wear skirts or dresses....well atleast thats what I do... :P Anyway I'm gonna go make my dinosaur and post it here... tanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy!
i was gonna make a driving dinosaur but i already did that... sorry about the crappy picture quality.... what the internet thinks i do *drawing a dinosaur* What society and my friends think i do *obsessed* what I actually do: shit, i gotta make my dinosaur... might make a picture collage of this and make it way better... g'nite
i was gonna make a driving dinosaur but i already did that... sorry about the crappy picture quality.... what the internet thinks i do *drawing a dinosaur* What society and my friends think i do *obsessed* what I actually do: shit, i gotta make my dinosaur... might make a picture collage of this and make it way better... g'nite
Monday, May 28, 2012
Day 123 - Yay!
I don't feel like blogging.. I'm really tired and stuff so I'm going to go to bed right after I post this so I don't stay up on craft sites till 1 AM like last night.... internet = curse & blessing....
Today = Almost missing the bus... school - got work done today, almost fell asleep in math class though, got a detention in history, served detention 5th period in auto shop helping put tires back on a car we were working on :P, bus - ninjas! OM NOM NOM!, home - lazin' around making plans, eat dinner, tried to follow up with plans, didn't work. went for ice cream w. Petri &fam, then hung out with Petri, then now.. working on Art homework and then going to bed :D sweet dreams! :D Thanks for viewing Have a good day, keep calm and stay classy! :D PS. can you spot all the dinosaurs? there are 6: number 1: 1 dinosaur representing 100
#2: 2 dinosaurs representing 10 each
#3: 3 dinosaurs representing 1 dino each :P
Today = Almost missing the bus... school - got work done today, almost fell asleep in math class though, got a detention in history, served detention 5th period in auto shop helping put tires back on a car we were working on :P, bus - ninjas! OM NOM NOM!, home - lazin' around making plans, eat dinner, tried to follow up with plans, didn't work. went for ice cream w. Petri &fam, then hung out with Petri, then now.. working on Art homework and then going to bed :D sweet dreams! :D Thanks for viewing Have a good day, keep calm and stay classy! :D PS. can you spot all the dinosaurs? there are 6: number 1: 1 dinosaur representing 100
#2: 2 dinosaurs representing 10 each
#3: 3 dinosaurs representing 1 dino each :P
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Day 122 - I MISS YOU!!!
Anyway so today's dinosaur is a dancing dinosaur (I know the arms are weird but i didn't know what else to do with them..) She's a ballerina and trying to do a pirouette (or something) and yeah.... Tribute to Tiana (who moved away and loved to dance) and to the amazing NDAD recital I saw yesterday.... once again it was AMAZING!! :D I don't know what to write so I will just leave you with this dinosaur and be on my way... Bye! Thanks for viewing Keep calm and Stay classy! :) Have a good night!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Day 121 - Total lameness lately..
Yeah so sorry about that but I just got back from a 3 hour long dance recital (tired) and I went biking today (i feel gross) and I'm super hungry (dinner = 5 chicken fingers and a few forkfuls of disgusting burnt rice) so today's dinosaur will be lame.. I'll (hopefully) have a super awesome dinosaur (that may or may not be dancing) in tribute to the amazing Nancy Delmonte Academy of Dance (NDAD) recital I just got back from, I would've done it today but I want to water colour it and make it look nice but it wouldn't if I tried to make that in 40 mins... Okay so here's today's dinosaur very snazzy right? I think it's interesting that yesterday's dinosaur was Mario as well... Oh well this one was inspired by the Super Mario Bros. Junior Ballet class it was cute all the little ballerinas had mushroom hats that came in a variety of colours, some not even in the game! then they also had 2 guys dressed as Mario and Luigi :D and two ballerinas in coloured outfits (one peachy coloured and one pale blue- s'posed to be the princesses?) They should've given them Daisy and Peach costumes or atleast crowns because they were the ones dancing with Mario and Luigi... anyway I have to shower, gather up dishes and put them in the dishwasher and then go to bed.... G'night thanks for viewing, Keep calm and stay classy! Oh fire update: the Timmins fire #9 is roughly 30-40 km from the city center. The fire is 70 (?) km long i believe and just super huge really... So yeah. I hope I don't burn down...
Friday, May 25, 2012
Day 120 - Happy Geek Pride day! :D
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Day 119 - Soo tired.... OM NOM NOM!
Okay here's my dinosaur made of white chocolate (but its actually green) and stuff. so yeah. vanier fun night was tonight and it was fun but i need to take a shower to get rainbow sparkly giraffes and face paint off of me... might add to it later: Bye! Thanks for viewing! keep calm and stay classy! :D
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Day 118 - iuiaawA *&
When i don't know what to do or type i usually mash my hands on my keyboard.... jfekchd bcNQJkUCDLKL,MNFFHL.khfJVBFQCCUJFQI7RHY2C RJL2MPON4CIB098476834YI3HKHQWKDiuwefhwnekf.hwregwe875485230t;fe/gaioerugjkrhgbjjwiyr84iy23jw
yeah. thats about it. great day but nothing to explain or blog about. Dinosaur -->
thanks for viewing, stay classy.
yeah. thats about it. great day but nothing to explain or blog about. Dinosaur -->
thanks for viewing, stay classy.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Day 117 - Spoontastic!
Don't ask, just please don't ask... I have no explanation. This is a portrait of a dinosaur looking into a spoon. Spoons. Fantastic beings of awesomeness. Here's what some people had to say about spoons:
"A spoon? That is a device used for consuming liquid based food products." What is your view on spoons? "They're pretty awesome. I like how you can music with them."
"Well I can't balance them on ur nose anymore." how would you describe one? "Oval? With a stick" anything specific you like or dislike about them? "Some times they don't fit in my mouth"
"They're a utensil i eat with....? ;p n i once tried being one when i was intoxicated just a tad so i must like them.. ;p"
"I like them clean and in the drawer not twisted up!"
(can you guess which comment was from my maj?)
"A spoon? That is a device used for consuming liquid based food products." What is your view on spoons? "They're pretty awesome. I like how you can music with them."
"Well I can't balance them on ur nose anymore." how would you describe one? "Oval? With a stick" anything specific you like or dislike about them? "Some times they don't fit in my mouth"
"They're a utensil i eat with....? ;p n i once tried being one when i was intoxicated just a tad so i must like them.. ;p"
"I like them clean and in the drawer not twisted up!"
(can you guess which comment was from my maj?)
What Wikipedia has to say about spoons: A spoon is a utensil consisting of a small shallow bowl, oval or round, at the end of a handle. (Wikipedia on Spoons)
Spoons were actually a gift from the gods to the first people, they were made of pure awesomeness and some of the first people to eat with spoons actually died from awesomeness overdose/poisoning so others were reluctant to try it... When they did they couldn't stop soon they used their blenders to puree everything so that they could eat it with spoons... It was a crazy time... that was millions of years ago, obviously because dinosaurs used them too....
Spoons were actually a gift from the gods to the first people, they were made of pure awesomeness and some of the first people to eat with spoons actually died from awesomeness overdose/poisoning so others were reluctant to try it... When they did they couldn't stop soon they used their blenders to puree everything so that they could eat it with spoons... It was a crazy time... that was millions of years ago, obviously because dinosaurs used them too....
In other news..... Nothing. I have nothing to say other than I had a fantastic day! I wore a dress today :) and then I changed into overall shorts :) they are awesome and Other than that I haven't really done anything today, I'm going to make a new purse/bag or maybe a shirt out of this cool new fabric i got :D I love crafting :D you already knew that though.... Gotta go to sleep now, Bye! Thanks for viewing, Keep calm and Stay classy! oh and hello to Mexico which I just coloured in on my map! :D Ta ta for now!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Day 116 - Queen Dinosauria...
Okay guys so i know i set a deadline of 12:00 for my dinosaur but Petri just gave me the brilliant idea of making a Queen Victoria dinosaur and i want to make it good so it might be a couple minutes late... FORGIVE ME!!!
I present to you: Queen Dinosauria! (Aka the Queen Victoria of the dinosaur world... or maybe the real Queen Victoria without her human disguise......)Wow this is an amazing dinosaur... I took a picture from the internet and then just used PAINT and my Bamboo drawing tablet to make her into a dinosaur.... I was just about to write dinosausage.... wow, lack of sleep lol :P Anyway I think this is one of my best dinosaurs like really, i think it is! She kinda looks like Fiona from Shrek if you look at her face.. The way her hand was placed (with her fingers spread like the live long and prosper sign) was awesome for making into two dinosaur fingers but anyways I'm sorry that this one was late but I do believe that the awesomeness makes up for it :D Thanks for viewing, Keep calm and Stay Classy!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Day 115 - Hey, remember when...
Remember when i was blogging and i said that i couldn't breathe etc. and that I would blog until I passed out? well similar thing happening right now, I'm blogging and there are 3 fires (maybe more) near where I am and they are burning out of control. The OPP evacuated the area behind the police station and the retirement home as well, so far Facebook had been our main source of information because everyone has been posting the information they know and pictures that they or other people have taken. This picture is a small tribute to all the firefighters (and police and everyone) who are trying to get these fires under control.... craziness.. So I didn't really blog yesterday, but here's what I did:
I slept over at Pistachio's again but we (Me, Nat, Dylan and her dad) didn't go to bed until 5:00 AM because we were watching movies We invited Dylan over and ate smores :D and then we watched Horrible Bosses (AWESOME!), Rise of the Planets of the Apes (TOTALLY SUCKED.), and RED (Pretty good) and by the time all these movies were over it was 4:30 in the morning and we wouldn't let Dylan walk home so he ended up sleeping in the chair :P This morning I left at like 10:30 and the wind was so strong I felt like I wasn't biking at all :P when I finally got home i made some french toast that was absolutely amazing :D I am so good at making french toast... SO GOOD. :) other than that I didn't really do anything... I chilled, hung out with Rachel, almost fell asleep (going on 5 hours of sleep, okay?) and then I ate 2 hotdogs for dinner and had a couple freezies, played a little bit of 1-on-1 basketball with Isaac and then this whole fire thing started and I packed some of my stuff up-clothes, laptop and some other electronics, and some of the things I value (wooden box that Annie gave me, necklaces from my mom, aunts and other people, just things that I treasure) We also got some other things together: the cats, food, sleeping bags... anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy and be safe!! :)
I slept over at Pistachio's again but we (Me, Nat, Dylan and her dad) didn't go to bed until 5:00 AM because we were watching movies We invited Dylan over and ate smores :D and then we watched Horrible Bosses (AWESOME!), Rise of the Planets of the Apes (TOTALLY SUCKED.), and RED (Pretty good) and by the time all these movies were over it was 4:30 in the morning and we wouldn't let Dylan walk home so he ended up sleeping in the chair :P This morning I left at like 10:30 and the wind was so strong I felt like I wasn't biking at all :P when I finally got home i made some french toast that was absolutely amazing :D I am so good at making french toast... SO GOOD. :) other than that I didn't really do anything... I chilled, hung out with Rachel, almost fell asleep (going on 5 hours of sleep, okay?) and then I ate 2 hotdogs for dinner and had a couple freezies, played a little bit of 1-on-1 basketball with Isaac and then this whole fire thing started and I packed some of my stuff up-clothes, laptop and some other electronics, and some of the things I value (wooden box that Annie gave me, necklaces from my mom, aunts and other people, just things that I treasure) We also got some other things together: the cats, food, sleeping bags... anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy and be safe!! :)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Day 114 - Sleepovers pt. 2
So I'm having another sleepover with the awesome person known as Pistachio and so i must leave you now, i might add more to this post when we come back inside but for now I will leave you with this dinosaur :D she is giggling and thereason i made this one was because Nat's dad wasn't used to us having sleepovers (hes been away at school for a while) Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :)
Friday, May 18, 2012
Day 113 - Sleepovers

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Day 112 - Well I s'pose I should dinosaur today...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day 111 - Thinking...
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Day 110 - Exciting stuff right there...
So today there was a huge storm that didn't last very long but caused some damage... There was a tornado warning and stuff and lots of lightening, somehow a telephone pole fell onto the backup generator and the pump house on my street so everyone was afraid a fire would break out because there was there was a transformer on the pole as well... water and electricity don't mix you know... So that was exciting... I was scared the electricity wouldn't come back on and I wouldn't be able to upload my dinosaur ( :O ) Anyway I found out that I totally suck at darts but to be fair we were playing in the dark, not complete dark but it would've been better if we had more light :P Oh and I had to cut the lock off of my bike today as well... :/ that sucks because now I can't bike to school since i can't lock it up... >:( RAWR. So I've never been scared of thunder or lightening but I have known some people that are.. This one's for you :) <3 'Fraidy cat Fergus is his name and he probably has it monogrammed onto his blankey..... Essay yuck. Thanks for viewing, Welcome Bangladesh!! Stay Classy! :) I'm going to eat a frozen orange slice because I've never had one and I'm curious....
Monday, May 14, 2012
Day 109 - 2000, driving and bloody noses...
Okay so today I went driving for the first time since i got my license... and actually for a while before that. I practiced signaling and braking, a bit of parking and definitely turning corners. I wove figure 8s between two light posts and i must say, I'm better than I was before :P And I have made a resolution to eat healthier and keep my room clean, starting tomorrow. Hopefully. I'd say I'm getting better at being healthy because I had a salad today for dinner and it tasted okay too.... I had a nap when I got home, it was pretty awesome :D I love sleep.. but now I am correcting my essay and I hate it. It is stupid and i wish to never have to learn about Canadian or american history ever again. EVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I do not wish this fate upon anyone... unless i hate them and they hate history in which case they can sit in that class all they want. Did you know that swearing actually relieves pain and stress? There was a study done and people held their hands in freezing cold water and the people who were allowed to swear ( any words and can be repeated as many times as they want) were able to keep their hands in the ice water 20-30 seconds longer than the people who couldn't swear. Anyway so I have to completely reformat my essay and make it longer and change it and such.. yuck. I need to get away from here, oh well school will be done in less than 6 weeks so i'm happy. Then I get to go see Annie and chill down south then who knows what.... anyway i have to go bang my head against the wall because life is just... ugh. and confusing and i have a stupid essay to pretty much re-write. Thanks for viewing, stay classy This is Bloody Brian, he hits his head on everything and right now he didn't want to do his essay either, so he hit his head against the wall one too many times and got a bloody nose... this is what you look like when you stuff tissues up your nose when its bleeding BTW....
*except for a few specific people that i hate with the deepest fiery passion in my body... oh and there are some of you that I love more than others.... ;)
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Day 108 - Mother's day

You've been there for me my whole life, my biggest fan and supporter, and motivator. You're the person that nags me about my room the most, gave me the biggest sweet tooth in the world, you've listened and lectured, been my shoulder to cry on, you've been my chauffeur (but since I have my beginner's now you only have to be in the car!) my role model&idol and definitely my protector. You've even been my best friend and I can't thank you enough for that... most of all you've been my mother and that is the best part of all.... if I could have any mom in the world i think i would still choose you...(unless i was a starving orphan child in Africa because then I would choose Angelina Jolie.... or you.. because with the amount of goodies you bake, I would not be starving for long....) So this is just a thank you but a super tiny gesture compared to all of the amazing things you have done for me... I love you soooooooooooooo much :D
Love Your Daughter,
Kelly McIntosh
Oh, PS. You're an awesome mom because you would let me lick the icing beaters AFTER you shut off the mixer and sometimes I even got to lick the icing off both of them ;)
And remember that no matter how tall I get or short you get, I will ALWAYS look up to you :) ♥
And it was accompanied by this picture :D -->
Okay well I must leave you now to return to my world and my people, they need me. Thanks for viewing, Stay classy! Beep Boop Bop.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Day 107 - Relaxed
I'M FINALLY GOING TO SEE AVENGERS!!! :D Here's my least favourite Avenger.... Hawk eye... I wish I had a super hero shirt to wear to it but i don't :( oh well maybe next time :P thanks for viewing bye!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Day 106 - Beachy Barbara
Woot! Today I got my first bathing suits of the summer! :D so in celebration here is Beachy Barbara in her bikini at the beach :) gotta pack! thanks for viewing! Stay classy!
oh! Ps. I got a view from Singapore today! :D
oh! Ps. I got a view from Singapore today! :D
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Day 105 - Now I can...
I CAN DRIVE! I finally decided to stop procrastinating and go get my beginner's license (G1) and I passed with only 2 wrong answers! :D yaay! So I had a good day today, school (blech) then driver's license (yaay!) then dinner at Casey's with Petri&fam and Isaac, then cake, then just chillin w. Isaac, Petri and Dylan... all around good night, other than i soaked my sneakers and they are all muddy and I was fixing my shoes on the side of the road when some (probably drunk) guys drove past and yelled "Faggot!" at either me or Dylan because Petri and Isaac were on the other side... well then. So yeah. Tonight i just don't feel like telling the internet what is on my mind because life is being stupid.. again. Okay well thanks for viewing, Happy birthday Petri and stay classy!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Day 104 - Can't Breathe.... I should probably do something about that...
So, right about now I can hardly breathe.... As you read that you're probably wondering why I am blogging and not getting medical attention, don't worry I will, I just decided that I would like to upload my dinosaur first... Crazy right? But I figure I have at least a few minutes before I expire due to lack of oxygen.... I think I would also like to tell you guys that this may or may not be my last blog entry, depending on whether or not I get medical attention in time or not... Hey, I have a good idea, I'll type this while standing up that way when I pass out i'll make a crashing noise when i fall over and then my mother will find me faster than if i pass out in bed because she might just think I'm sleeping.... LOL JK I got you there didn't I? I'm not actually going to pass out due to lack of oxygen, obviously I'll perform an emergency tracheotomy on myself like in the movies! Take something sharp and then like right above the clavicle (collarbone) or something and then cut until theres a hole in your wind pipe and stick a pen barrel through there! Simple right? Naw, I'm just kidding :P I was biking really fast, made it home in like 1.5 minutes it was AWESOME! I love biking like that :D So I'm still recovering from that bike ride and my heart is pumping and it's AWESOME! and I'm kinda hyped up now :D lol So today I was studying for my G1 test that I'm (hopefully) gonna take tomorrow after school, after putting it off for 2 months and 3 days :P Yeah, I procrastinate :P My mom told me that my last couple blog postings have been sorta depressing so I tried to liven it up with this one... seriously though, I got you didn't I? I did, I know it :P If I seriously did that wow... Hardcore blogging right there 'til the end! UUUUUGH. I need to clean my room... too many clothes, too much ability to procrastinate, too much internet surfing to do..... so naturally I just kinda swipe them off my bed into a massive pile of clean clothes with a pile of blankets, art supplies and books as a buffer between them and the floor, yeah i know, I'm not as organized as I seem.... wait, what am I saying I'm never organized! my backpack is terrible! the only think that is organized is my computer and my books... and then parts of my desk because i put paint brushed and pencils and such into cups and containers... :P Wow, I haven't blogged like this in a while... I did a couple cart wheels today, and some hand stands although i can no longer walk on my hands.. what a shame :P I also looked up at the sky and saw some pretty awesome things in the clouds! I can't remember many of them but there were: The Death Star and Millennium Falcon from Star Wars, a woman's head, a cartoon dog, several dragons, a flower, a butterfly and most importantly there was a PHOENIX!!! Awesome I know! Wow, I should probably make my dinosaur now.... :D BRB!
10 Minutes Later
Okay! Finished! Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Little Timmy on a bike! He fell off his specially made t-rex bike 2 seconds after this was taken.... his poor bike! He got really mad and ate it.... well there goes all that meat he traded for it! anyway I have to atleast tidy my room before my maj totally flips out and cleans it for me, wouldn't that just be such a shame? I tell you, it would be....
Well I thank you for sitting through and reading this whole book I just wrote, thanks for viewing and Stay classy! Oh and If you need to... CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM! :D See ya tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Day 103 - Why?
Monday, May 7, 2012
Day 102 - I made this yesterday
So since yesterday was the turkey dinner at my church I made this dinosaur out of potatoes and corn.... yeah his teeth are funny but w/e... This morning was kinda crappy, once again in a bad mood, but in the afternoon it picked up, finally made the icing and iced my cupcakes that i made yesterday :D and um not much else about my day to share..... who was your favourite Beatle? Mine was George Harrison, just so awesome! and his hair... sexy with that beard? hot stuff ;) I went rollerblading and my ankles are dead, performed minor foot surgery today too, on my own foot..... I had a sliver probably almost an inch long in my foot. so using two needles and some tweezers i finally was able to get it out, hurt like.... i don't know what to compare that to but it hurt alot! Olivia found the last piece of my earrings! OMG I was so happy this morning before i got into a bad mood..... but yeah, good day.... there was somehting i was gonna blog about but i can't remember now..... anyway have a good night! :D Thanks for viewing, OH! Welcome Turkey! I had to colour that in on my map today :D Stay classy! :D
PS. Happy Birthday Rachel and Angela!
PS. Happy Birthday Rachel and Angela!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Day 101 T-rexes
Don't worry I haven't had time to make 101 dalmatian dinos but here's one from the scene where the puppies return but they're all black and they think that they are Labradors,I don't know exactly what the neanny sais though, but it's cute :) Today after doing a bunch of loads of laundry i hung them out to dry then when bringing them back i stacked two baskets and thought i could make it, but had trouble opening the door and when i finally managed half way through the door the song Help! by The Beatles started playing :P ..... wow life, thanks but you couldn't have sent someone to help? now that's just rude.
grjefk,.mwe,nf nqwfjlck ,vnrjekl.e,d fr shmeh. RAWR. Not in the mood for blogging as of now.... maybe tomorrow..... perfectly good and amazing and just.. PERFECT :) then ruined 10 minutes later.. if you know... UGH. DISLIKE DISLIKE DISLIKE. you ruined me. gah. good bye. thanks for viewing have a good day, stay classy.
grjefk,.mwe,nf nqwfjlck ,vnrjekl.e,d fr shmeh. RAWR. Not in the mood for blogging as of now.... maybe tomorrow..... perfectly good and amazing and just.. PERFECT :) then ruined 10 minutes later.. if you know... UGH. DISLIKE DISLIKE DISLIKE. you ruined me. gah. good bye. thanks for viewing have a good day, stay classy.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
DAY 100!!!!!
TODAY IS MY 100TH DINOSAUR! :D Here it is on youtube: And it's pretty snazzy if I do say so myself, roughly 1000 matches all burning at one time, they were set in natural clay so that it wouldn't burn up as well :P This is the before picture, click the link to set it aflame ;D Not much to report today but I searched for my earrings today and out of the 3 lost pieces i found 2 so I'm going to go look for the last piece in the park, thanks for viewing and stay classy! :D
Friday, May 4, 2012
Day 99 - May the Fourth Be With You!!
So today is officially Star Wars day and i have been looking forward to this for like...ever. :P I don't know why :P here is a jedi dinosaur using the force to move a box (because we are doing perspective in art class, i wanted to try it out... kinda worked?) and holding a lightsaber :D I realize that the cloaks/robes they wear have a hood but w/e.... Today was awesome, seriously awesome although i lost 3/4 piece of my earrings... (2 fronts+1back) in the park that I have to go look for tomorrow, the light from my cellular device wasn't cutting it since they are black earrings and it was 10:00 by the time i noticed.... the moon should've been brighter... anyways TOMORROW IS DAY 100!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!! Be prepared to be amazed, it's pretty awesome :D anyway i'm starving so i shall go eat then sleep.... thanks for viewing and stay classy!
PS. Jason - Cheesecake
PPS. Isaac - Mashed potatoes
PS. Jason - Cheesecake
PPS. Isaac - Mashed potatoes
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Day 98 - Rain :)
Oh man, I miss the rain.... Its so refreshing although I can't wait until its nice enough out for me to stay out in the rain :D and by nice enough out i mean not cold :P Blah blah blah blah I have a really big headache :( saaaadface :(
This dinosaur was made on draw something it's s'posed to be Barney but Petri didn't have green or purple.... anyway I would blog more but i have a major headache and i need to go take some advil and sleep :( thanks for viewing, have a good night and stay classy!
This dinosaur was made on draw something it's s'posed to be Barney but Petri didn't have green or purple.... anyway I would blog more but i have a major headache and i need to go take some advil and sleep :( thanks for viewing, have a good night and stay classy!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Day 97 - Super dino!
Okay so it is totally unfair....My brother Steve got a pair of vibram 5 fingers D: (the toe shoes i told you about yesterday... and I am super tired and have one more bonsai tree to re-pot so bye! thanks for viewing and Stay classy! :D

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Day 96 - I'm so excited!!!!
Only 4 more days until one of my best dinosaurs will be uploaded! I have the pictures and everything already and I am actually soooo excited! Happy Birthday Annalise! :D It's finally getting a little bit warm here in Northern Ontario! *knocks on wood to prevent jinxing* I can't wait until it's hot enough to wear dresses... I used to hate wearing dresses, and now I absolutely love them.... weird.... FLIP FLOP WEARING HERE I COME! :D I love wearing flip flops or going bare foot..... :D so awesome! I'm saving up for a pair of Vibram Five Fingers, they are toe shoes!!! it mimics the barefoot feeling but with the protection of a shoe... check them out HERE... They are actually so awesome and I really want a pair, I asked for them for Christmas and my birthday but didn't get them so i'm just saving up :P Annie if you're reading this I'm sorry my parcel will be later than yours was :P I reaaaally need to send it but I must finish your card.. :D Okay well... 11:11 Make a wish! wow.... 11:11 is going on for a long time.... there we go, its 11:12 now... What did you wish for? WAIT DON'T TELL ME OR IT WON'T COME TRUE!!! I think that one night this summer I am going to take a blanket to the park and just star gaze for a while..... I love the park except sometimes swinging makes me feel sick.... Anyway I must go! Thanks for viewing, Stay classy and don't forget to definitely check back on my 100th day! :D
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