One day I will travel to Spain, Greece and Italy. One day I will be finished school forever. One day I will own a dog. One day I will go sky diving. One day I will get married for real (Natasha and Tiana I'm sorry you don't count). And in one day* (*roughly 18 hours or so) I will be 16! Don't you just love how in movies everyone has a huge pool party and gets a car, has a 3 tier cake with diamond studs, gets everything they want and get showered with praise? Nope not me. I'm going to celebrate with Natasha and possibly Ashley or some other people that aren't gone on the March break... I bet you didn't know I was s'posed to be born on my mom's birthday... which just so happens to be my best friend's birthday as well... I don't think that the world would be able to handle the awesomeness that would become April 6th. That is why I was born exactly one month before that day (to stop the world from exploding because of awesomeness overdose). I FINALLY GET TO OPEN MY PARCEL! Tomorrow after school I get to open my parcel! I am so excited! I mean it has been eating at me because I can't open it yet :( okay so today's dinosaur is Tech Support Terry [idea credit: Petri Trebilcock (did I spell i right this time?)] today I didn't really do anything art class was fun, math was terrible, reach was fun, history wasn't bad and auto we didn't do anything :P I hug out with Amy and for some reason everyone looked at us when we were trees and robots and I'm pretty sure that we're normal....
Stay classy
OMG! I totally forgot to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ARGGHHH!!! I FEEL SO BAD NOW! Please don't hate me! Happy Birthday Kelly!