I had absolutely no idea what kind of dinosaur I was going to make today. I started one of my other projects that might take a few days after I took my English exam and then I sat here in awed wonder at the world, life itself and the endless possibilities of dinosaurs. So you might be thinking, what's with the title? Well I will tell you. Today I made a dinosaur from a page cut out of a book. Yes, I know it's terrible, as someone who almost worships books I sometimes can't believe that I HOLLOWED OUT ONE (that I gave to my mother). So I used the pages cut from that book (not going to mention the title), and not a completely new book (which is so much better, and it was a used book from a thrift store!). I have seen all sorts of dictionary artwork (google it!) and I decided at I was going to try my hand at it, it actually looks great! This is a portrait of Sir Nigel (a Victorian era bounty hunter from a story I am writing) if he was a dinosaur, maybe I'll draw an actual portrait of him and post it here as well to compare the likenesses. I might still add a mustache to Sir Nigel because as is he kinda reminds me of Watson from Sherlock Holmes at the minute :P
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Day 5 - To those who will think of me as a murderer, I am sorry.
I had absolutely no idea what kind of dinosaur I was going to make today. I started one of my other projects that might take a few days after I took my English exam and then I sat here in awed wonder at the world, life itself and the endless possibilities of dinosaurs. So you might be thinking, what's with the title? Well I will tell you. Today I made a dinosaur from a page cut out of a book. Yes, I know it's terrible, as someone who almost worships books I sometimes can't believe that I HOLLOWED OUT ONE (that I gave to my mother). So I used the pages cut from that book (not going to mention the title), and not a completely new book (which is so much better, and it was a used book from a thrift store!). I have seen all sorts of dictionary artwork (google it!) and I decided at I was going to try my hand at it, it actually looks great! This is a portrait of Sir Nigel (a Victorian era bounty hunter from a story I am writing) if he was a dinosaur, maybe I'll draw an actual portrait of him and post it here as well to compare the likenesses. I might still add a mustache to Sir Nigel because as is he kinda reminds me of Watson from Sherlock Holmes at the minute :P
Monday, January 30, 2012
Day 4 - Don't you just hate un-sticky stickynotes? I do.
This morning I woke up with a *brilliant idea*, to make today's dinosaur out of sticky notes, in an 8-bit kind of way. I have seen so many really awesome window designs like 8-bit Mario and whole scenes. After I wrote my science exam this morning my brothers, my mom and I went out to the mall and I bought some sticky notes to accomplish this task. We went to the dollar store and I got a couple packages of USELESS UN-STICKY STICKY NOTES. While making this incredibly awesome dinosaur I actually had to tape them up because they kept falling off. Needless to say this dinosaur turned out AWESOME! :D So much better than I had expected. I was standing on a chair and then sitting on the chair and then just standing trying to make my dinosaur perfect.... and I'd say that it worked! :) It was a lot of fun to make except when the sticky notes fall off, it turned out quite nice, even better than if it had been 8-bit. I haven't figured out what I will do next except that it will be totally awesome :D
Have a Rawr-king day :P
365 Challenge,
365 project,
Sticky notes
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Day 3 - Exams
So today is the last day before I start my exams and I really needed someone other than my cat (Bella) to keep me company while I study since she likes to walk in and out of my room knocking stuff over all the time. After actually studying for my science exam I was totally bored out of my mind and decided to make this cute little guy. He's made of polymer clay but don't tell him that ;) I would've liked to make him any colour other than grey but I only had black and white. I have decided to name him Hades after the Greek god of the underworld. I guess I'm going to have to make him a girlfriend before he tries to kidnap one of my other dinosaurs...
Anyways I must get back to studying (BOOOOO!) for my exams this week. Have a great and awesome day little Dino lovers :)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Day 2 - Exams and Dino-nails
Rawr! So today is day two of my 365 day challenge! I woke up this morning and I didn't really know what I was going do... other than babysitting in the afternoon. I decided to work on Robert, the dinosaur that is my volleyball team's recently adopted mascot, he's super cute and will be going on our warm up shirts and rip off pants (I can't wait!). After working on that for a while and finishing him up I looked at my (extremely chipped) nail polish and thought that maybe i would do dinosaur nails! Nail painting is one of my main hobbies, aside from drawing, painting and sleeping and daydreaming. I have over 50 bottles of nail polish and nail pens, all different colours and I want soooo much more :D After about 5 minutes of gathering the nail polish and taking off the old polish I had a plan.
1. Start by drawing your dinosaur shape in the colour of your choice (mine was green)
2. Add the second colour (dark green for me!) onto his chest
3. Colour the tongue (Pink )
4. Use a small brush (safety pin, toothpick or something else small) and paint the back ground colour (blue!)
5. Draw the teeth (white)
6. Outline dinosaur in black, and define arms, add nostrils and eyes (black dots with smaller white dots in corners)
And Voila! You are finished!
I only did the dinosaur on my left thumb with the word "RAWR" written on the other fingers and a heart on the right thumb.
365 Challenge,
365 project,
Nail Polish,
Friday, January 27, 2012
Day 1 - The Start
Hi. My name's Kelly and I like to draw dinosaurs. It has been an (almost) obsession of mine for the past year. I can't even remember how it started but it did somehow. I have heard of people doing 365 projects and I didn't think that I could complete one. I tried it out, but I used too broad of a subject.... Drawing. Draw anything! I said to myself but nooo, it just doesn't work like that. I didn't keep it up (obviously), it fell through maybe 2 weeks into the journey. Today I have decided to try it again, think of it as something I must do everyday. For the next THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE DAYS I will make a dinosaur everyday - draw, bake, paint, sculpt, you name it I WILL complete this task. Since I charged myself with this task I have decided to create this blog to keep track, everyday I will update this blog with a picture or scan of that day's dinosaur and by January 27, 2013 (If we haven't all died yet) I will have created 365 dinosaurs to share with you. Here is today's dinosaur Crazy eyed Fred the cupcake dinosaur. (He is crazy eyed because he can't believe that he is on a CUPCAKE! oh and BTW its a vanilla cupcake :D )
AND REMEMBER: A Dinosaur a day keeps the doctor away! Mostly because he is probably afraid of him.... I mean come on, who in their right mind would approach someone with a dinosaur, much less 365?!
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