two velociraptors and a dinosaur in a pear tree!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Day 320 - December 14
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 319 - December 13
Day 318 - Dec 12
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 317 - woot.
and now factor it and complete the square and do a whole bunch of math and stuff and there you go! you're done a useless problem!
ugh math. stupid. honestly i hate this class it's terrible and like blah. so yeah i might as well get back to doing my biology review... which is useless too. just like school. sorry i'm in a bad mood today if you can't tell, hopefully it lightens by 3:30 when i have my interview! *fingers crossed!*
thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 316 - lazy days
so today i stayed in bed pretty much all day and i didn't really do anything, i cleaned up a little bit but that was about it, i need to clean of my desk, it's really bad and i really need to get back into the habit of drawing and whatnot although recently i have been extremely uninspired. which totally sucks but with the christmas season upon us i have that to work with. i've been thinking about making some more cards like i used to and make a few really cute Christmas-y ones. i already have a few but i want to make some more. anyways here's the dinosaur, thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 315 - Shopping!
So today i went shopping and i got my formal dress! it's white and black and i really like it but i also really like this other dress which is pink and ruffly and you wouldn't think i'd like it but i do. and so i really wanted the pink one but then my mum was like: why dont you try this on? and so i did and i liked it and my mum loved it and nat liked it and the chick that was helping us loved it on me and another sales associate that was walking by really liked it on my too and so we got it (thanks mom i love you! <3) and now all i have to do is find a cardigan or something with some colour because i don't want to just have black and white formal attire. I think i'm gonna go for colourful shoes and a chunky colourful necklace (and maybe bracelet) and then i have to wear something to cover myself up because i'm going to hide the straps by tucking them in. oh yeah! and i have a job interview on monday! :D *cross fingers* i'm really hoping for this job :D anyways thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Day 3.14159265359 - other wise known as pi
actually only day 314 which is also my house number but w/e :P
this dinosaur cannot distinguish pie from pi.. it's all the same to him!
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
this dinosaur cannot distinguish pie from pi.. it's all the same to him!
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Day 313 - I am going to reeeeeally try and keep up again!
I have absolutely no idea why i all of a sudden cannot keep up to date with my dinosaur blogs but i am going to really try and post them on time. Today nothing really exciting happened
Day 312 - UNITED WAY!

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Day 311 - Happy Birthday Taylor and Katie!
Happy birthday to Taylor and Katie! and to anyone else who has a birthday on the 4th of december! :P that was pretty much all that happened on this day. oh wait the teachers are being stupid about all the wage freezes and other stuff. For some reason this strike has prevented them from inputting the attendance on the computer and so now they have student run the attendance down... ummmmm.... that's more work.. :/ although maybe the attendance thing for the computer is broken w/e... anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 310 - December 3rd
Nothing really happened on this day... i slept, ate, went to school and that was about it... thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 309 - Catching up
Day 308 - so so so so so sorry
I know i;m super lame.. i'm lame and lazy... and tired like holy poo, so tired. not at the time that i should have posted this but i probably had more energy when i was sick! this is stupid i have no idea what is making me so tired and whatnot, anyways heres my dinosaur sorry it's pretty much a week late :/ this dinosaur is based on the white rabbit from alice in wonderland because i am late! thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Day 307 - MoSistas
So for the last day of movember i have here what i am: a mosista. a lady who wears a stick on stache if she wants to. This dinosaur was based on Laura, a family friend who has participated in raising funds for movember for the past few years and is one of the only other girls i know that does anything movember related. (if there are any other mosistas out there reading this then thank you!!) :] anyway i have to sleep, sorry it's late, thanks for viewing, thanks to you if you donated to movember and keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 306 - Running out!
Sorry it's late but i've been super tired and starting to run out of ideas for dinos with mustaches but my total donation to movember from selling the mustaches is $307!! which is awesome! almost double what I raised last year ($170)
thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 305 - almost the end!
so the end of movember is near! and here's one of the last mustache dinos sorry it's late i've just been so tired lately and i have no idea why so thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
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