So I have nothing to report about today and don't really feel like blogging...... have a good night and thanks for viewing, Stay classy!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Day 94 - Graffiti tags, Shopping and Reincarnation
So today was a good day. I woke up at 10 and then i had some cereal, played Jet Set Radio Future for a couple hours and am now way farther than I thought the game ever went.... I always thought it ended in the sewers but it doesn't... I think I only thought that because thats as far as I saw my brother get... oh well. I figured out a little while ago that you can make your own graffiti tags so here is my dinosaur graffiti tag :D this actually took so long to make! You have no idea how hard it is to draw using an xbox 360 controller.... so after I made this I showered and then started another dinosaur! It is a long process, making some dinosaurs that is.... But I'm really excited :D Don't know how it will turn out but that's why I'm so excited! I'm going to be appying for a job soon! Like within this week hopefully and also I'm hoping to go for my beginner's license as well. I'd better get studying! I got a bunch of new clothes today :D I love getting new items of clothing! I don't think I realize how much I actually enjoy shopping.... not just clothes shopping but shopping in general! Especially at Winners and stuff..... I like decorative things... I wish I had enough space for all the stuff I like too... and the money to buy it all with.... Perhaps in another life.... Can you imagine being reincarnated as someone from the past? That would be snazzy... and being able to remember what your previous life was like? although that would suck going future to past becuase then you'd be like "I wonder what Galileo's full name was... let's Goog------ DAMMIT WE DON'T HAVE THE INTERNET!!! GAH!!!" but in an old-timey accent and speech pattern.... Perhaps --> "Sometimes I ponder on the thought about Galileo's full title... Perhaps we should input our inquiry to the awesome power of Goog---- Good Grief! I momentarily misplaced the knowledge that in this era Google is a mythical beast of only the wildest imagination!" or something similar :P Well my mother was kind enough to make peanut butter-butterscotch confetti bars and I must go to bed to ignore the siren song of the delicious treats... Farewell until tomorrow! Thanks for viewing and please comment how you found my blog... please? Stay classy! :D
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Day 93 - I want a dog....
Only seven more days until my 100th dinosaur! A super cool one to make would be a fireworks dinosaur...but that would be complicated and probably almost impossible.... so whatever i decide, it will be snazzy. Welcome Croatia! :D I was wondering... how did you find me? How did you find my dinosaur blog? I think you guys should comment at the bottom how you found my blog. Right now I'm watching Marley &Me and its so sad! But the beginning and not sad parts made me want a dog even more than I already do...If I could get any dog I wanted it would be either a German Shepard, Dalmatian, St.Bernard or Newfoundland dog... pretty much any big dog.....but then the sad parts in the movie made me remember my cat Sheba and how I felt when she died... She'd been with me my whole life, ever since I was a baby and when we put her down it felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest... I still miss her and she died when I was 12 or 13, then the next year we had to put down the other cat I had known my whole life. UUUUGH! so much sadness right now! I'm still crying, partially because of the movie and also because of the memories of my pets :'( and then there's just everything else, ugh I'm so tired right now, I've just had a hectic week... so with that I'm signing off... thanks for viewing! Comment how you found the blog and stay classy! :)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Day 92 - Why?
Why are french people always portrayed as having an obsession with red and white striped shirts that they wear with berets and black pants? What is with that? I would very much like to know! I know that I have views from France, and I don't know how often they visit but I was wondering, does everyone wear red and white striped shirts alot? Comment if you would like because I am very curious, and have never been to France... or Europe even.... or out of the country *sigh* anyway I babysat today, and I got a replica of my upper jaw! well like the dentistry version that is just the teeth and gums, but it's still cool! :D anyway my room is a mess and i need to clean it... farewell for now, thanks for viewing and stay classy! :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Day 91 - Almost 100!!
So as you can see from the title I am almost at 100 days! only 9 days until i make something super cool and special..... this dinosaur is about to become all muddy. Curse his very short arms! Us humanoids have arms that reach beyond our snouts so we can actually prevent face/brain damage by extending our arms to break our fall..... wouldn't it be interesting to see a t-rex fall... like trip or something... hmmmmmmm. would he flail his tiny arms to try and stop it? how much would his neck hurt? becuase i'm sure he would extend his neck to lift his face before he sustained injuries to it...... If a dinosaur falls and no one is around to witness it, did he actually fall in the first place? How loud of a sound would that be.... so much imagination!!!! well I must go, there is some food for thought, thanks for viewing and stay classy! :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
This is how i feel. I have an essay to finish, sorry better dino tomorrow, thanks for viewing stay classy! :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Day 89 - How to spend a day...
SNOOOOOOOWDAY! :) So this is what I did today, I slept in until like 10:30 when i was woken up and then i (might have had breakfast, I don't remember) played some x-box, made a sandwich and then beat a girl my mom babysits at both Jet Set Radio Future and the original Halo. I wrote part of my essay and then wasted the rest of my day. None of those are traced, BTW. Oh and I made some very delicious rice for dinner..... and then I was talking to some people and that was about it! Here I am not doing anything.... anyway i have to go to bed now! so thanks for viewing, click the picture to view larger and Stay classy! :)
Monday, April 23, 2012
So I heard you liked Nutella? Well it just so happens that I do as well! OMG we're the PERFECT match ;) <3 haha just kidding, I don't even know if you like nutella! :P You'd think that there are just some things that people will never say, well that is not the case with me. "You have no idea how hard it is to create a dinosaur out of Nutella on a waffle" (me paraphrasing me because I don't remember exactly what I said.....) But it was hard! I had to try and fill the little indents to exactly the spot it has to be and omg. OOH OOH OOOOOOH!! I would like to formally welcome Latvia and Malaysia!! Anyway I am really tired but I will tell you a story about the real reason Russia invaded Poland after Germany did during the second world war. Here goes:
Okay so everyone knows what WWII was right? How about what started it? People say the trigger was Germany invading Poland but then no one cared when Russia (the Soviet Union at the time) tried to invade Poland right after Germany..... Russia was actually invading because of the orders of their President, who was having an affair with Poland's president's daughter... He loved her so much and was so in love that he was terrified she might fall in love with a German soldier or even *insert epic music here* HITLER HIMSELF! So he invaded Poland to save her and hopefully marry her, when they got there she was so excited that when he proposed she said yes, only to be shot when they were being transported back to Russia.....
just kidding, none of that actually happened...well it could've and if anyone finds proof of that I GET TO BE FAMOUS ABOUT IT!!!!! DIBS DIBS DIBS DIIIIIIBS! :D
thanks for viewing, stay classy and have a great night! :)
oh and yes, this dinosaur was delicious :)
PS. here's a map of all the places that have visited my blog(click to view larger)!! Send the link around! I am hoping that in the end of my 365 days I will have at least 1 view from almost every country on earth... it would be cool to get a view from space too.... I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU CAN GET AN ASTRONAUT TO VIEW IT FROM SPACE!!!! :) <3 :D
Okay so everyone knows what WWII was right? How about what started it? People say the trigger was Germany invading Poland but then no one cared when Russia (the Soviet Union at the time) tried to invade Poland right after Germany..... Russia was actually invading because of the orders of their President, who was having an affair with Poland's president's daughter... He loved her so much and was so in love that he was terrified she might fall in love with a German soldier or even *insert epic music here* HITLER HIMSELF! So he invaded Poland to save her and hopefully marry her, when they got there she was so excited that when he proposed she said yes, only to be shot when they were being transported back to Russia.....
just kidding, none of that actually happened...well it could've and if anyone finds proof of that I GET TO BE FAMOUS ABOUT IT!!!!! DIBS DIBS DIBS DIIIIIIBS! :D
thanks for viewing, stay classy and have a great night! :)
oh and yes, this dinosaur was delicious :)
PS. here's a map of all the places that have visited my blog(click to view larger)!! Send the link around! I am hoping that in the end of my 365 days I will have at least 1 view from almost every country on earth... it would be cool to get a view from space too.... I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU CAN GET AN ASTRONAUT TO VIEW IT FROM SPACE!!!! :) <3 :D
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Day 87 - Celebrity Dinosaur?

Saturday, April 21, 2012
Day 86 - Backwards!
Wow, today is weird. I drew a dinosaur with no head but feet..... whaaat? So the reason is because after hanging out with Isaac, Petri and Dylan my toes were really cold since I was wearing flip flops, when I was waiting for my mum to pick us up I was holding my toes trying to warm them up. While deciding what to make as my dinosaur I realized that they would not be able to hold their toes if they were cold. I also drew it pretty close to the top of the page.... so that is why he has no head.... well mostly no head :P I know that I have not been making super awesome dinosaurs but i have been kinda busy lately hanging with people, actually not here (elk lake) or just tired and similar to writer's block but for artists..... yes I consider myself an artist, don't like it? SUCKS TO BE YOU. Anyway I'm cold, sore and tired so I'm going to bed now, thanks for viewing and stay classy! :) OOH! ALMOST FORGOT! I would like to formally welcome the Phillipines and my Gr. 4 teacher ( Mr. K I'm talking about you!) who is viewing from Tanzania! and if I haven't mentioned Ireland has also been viewing! :) THANK YOU EVERYONE! :)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Day 85 - Deterioration...
I am back from the envirothon! :) RMSS team 1 placed 2nd!! (thats the team I was on) but we don't know how the other team placed..... the drive back wasn't too bad, slept most of the way just like on the way there.... Learned some stuff while I was there... There were some pretty cute guys there too..... especially cute forestry guy.... people who were there, you know what i'm talking about ;) and for those of you curious he looked similar to Dyson from the show Lost Girl... google that. So in other news my ankle hurts and I had an ice capp so I will be up for a while...possibly, the lack of sleep last night might save me and i'll sleep all night really deeply... :) Sleep sounds awesome right now! ugh, today is 4/20 and for all of the potheads that means a day where they like to get a celebration.....whatever I think that it is very sad, the deterioration of the human race that is..... And the english language... and what we have done to the earth... ONTO HAPPIER NEWS... I hung out with Petri, Isaac and Dylan today after I got back and it was fun :P we went to timmies and a bit of light hiking in the forest haha :P ICECAPP!! :) Anyways so i am actually dead tired right now so here's me when i got my ice capp as a dinosaur :) thanks for viewing, have a great sleep/night and stay classy! :)
PS sorry for picture quality.... running out of time!
PS sorry for picture quality.... running out of time!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Day 84 - Why hello again! Back so soon?
Okay so here's today's dinosaur, i know! I posted one only a few hours ago but still! I won't have time in the morning before I leave.... so nothing new to report.... my tablet is still recovering my apps and none of my data as far as i know :( I have to put all of my music back onto it too :( oh well, that's life :P Thanks for viewing and stay classy! :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Day 83 - NOOOO!
Less than half an hour ago my tablet reset itself and totally deleted everything on it.... So yeah. kinda crappy. Also tomorrow I am traveling to Elk Lake for the envirothon. I will be gone 8 am tomorrow until roughly 6 on Friday, I don't expect that I will have internet or time to post a dinosaur so i will be posting it shortly after midnight tonight since that is technically tomorrow :) Anyway here's TODAY'S dinosaur...what i felt like when my tablet reset itself. OOH! I also played Jet Set Radio Future today and got farther than I ever had before...considering i played for like 5 hours.... thanks for viewing, i must go pack and shower so check the blog tomorrow at any time because it will be up in a minimum of 2 hours :D
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Day 82 - XBOX!
Yay Xbox! Today I played some games.... All original Xbox games, but one on my 360 and the others on an original Xbox. I remember sitting 3 feet form the television (a small box television set) on a beanbag chair playing those games and being awesome :) Jet Set Radio Future was the best...definitely.... Today at school I had huge discussions with various people about the teachers at our school and who would win in a hunger games situation..... Definitely my English teacher Mr.Toby or the gym teacher Mr. Polowy... The runners up were the science teacher Mr.MacLean (who would be in his element, using the elements to blow people up ;P ) Mr. Clarke, the art teacher, would be similar to Peeta (blending in) and he would also be a good hunter.... And then none of the other teachers were really considered for the top because they either don't seem to be the kind of person that would cope well in a situation such as that or no one really knew their strong points besides the subject they teach... Anyway (If any of the teachers are reading this, I hope you are not offended, please don't fail me you guys are awesome) so here's today's dinosaurs... There are two of them because I was totally beating Petri at Halo (the original) until he shut it off :P oh well, good night, thanks for viewing and stay classy! :) :)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Day 81 - Blue Dinosaur is sad..
I am going to try and make better dinosaurs this week, not just drawings that are kinda boring.... anyway today's dino is similar to a chameleon (I want a chameleon so bad!) and he is sad.... dunno why, maybe you should ask him! Gotta go to bed so I will get up tomorrow! Thanks for viewing and stay classy! :)
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Day 80 - Stupid laptop....
So my laptop charger/charging port has decided to crap out on my today :( and that makes me sad because this is my main way of blogging! I mean I have blogged from my mother's computer and my father's before but it just isn't the same! and this is me as a dinosaur being extremely mad at my piece of shit laptop -.- oh yeah and i lost my black water colour paint pen, my tablet and mp3 charging cords and its like GAH. oh and I have to wait until i can have a shower to wash the sand, grass and rainwater out of my hair... -.-
Thanks for viewing and stay classy!
ps. yeah this is kinda like a dragon/dinosaur cross over / also just a cartoon-y way of showing anger :D don't hate me please D:
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Day 79 - Hugs?
The inspiration came from the design i painted onto my friend's nails. Each nail was a different colour and each one was zebra striped :) I didn't know what to make for today but Petri helped me, yay! just by simply asking me what i did today that was inspiring, I biked and watched movies and painted nails :P so obviously i chose painting nails, first it was gonna be a zebra striped dinosaur... a ZEBRASAURUS! but then it became much more.... a MULTI-COLOURED ZEBRASAURUS! Today I was listening to music and it made me sad, so i kinda needed a hug... that i never got.... Anyways thanks for viewing and stay classy!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Day 78 - Planning...

I am planning to make some super awesome dinosaurs in the near future and i need you to be patient... alos today i'm really sore.... as amasaurus told me today "I'm not really feeling Amasaurus today.... just Saurus...." if you don't get that.... look at it and say it in your head and out loud slowly until you do...... TGIF. and I have a PD day on monday yaaay! but a math assignment due tuesday...booo. i hate math.... have i ever told you how much? it's alot. not even going to rant....thats how much i hate it........anyway, thanks for veiwing! :) stay classy!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Day 77 - Sorry....
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Day 76 - I...just..*facepalm*

There is a saying: Enjoy the little things in life
I think I kinda take that to the extreme.... I get excited about pretty much everything.... i walk funny - because I can.
I make really weird sounds - because I can.... Schaploof! (pronounced: sh-ka-ploof) say it! it's fun :3
I yell and talk really loudly - because I can
I talk in a British accent - because I'm awesome like that :)
and I just have the widest imagination ever... i don't know why I used widest to describe that...but i did. Sometimes I just like to look at the clouds because sometimes they look 3D... I know what you're thinking, that's because they are 3D but I will explain...or try to anyway........ If you look at some clouds they look glued onto the sky, almost 2D, but then there are some clouds that look 3D and I feel like i can see around them. and you think i'm crazy... don't worry, I can read your thoughts, I'm a telepath ;)
ANYWAY! so my cat fell asleep on my leg and she was being so cute that i did not want to disturb her so i did all of this with materials i could reach.. unfortunately i could not reach my desk but thank god i was able to reach my sketch pad and there was a sharpie in my purse and I have a webcam on my laptop :) So I was thinking... If dinosaurs were people sized and were civilized (didn't want to eat anything that moved) would they love cats and kittens and dogs and puppies as much as we do? Their tough reptilian skin would be pretty scratch proof (i would imagine...) and their arms are the perfect length for cuddling. If they had a square snout like i draw them that would be the purr-fect (get it?! haha i'm so funny) sleeping spot for a cat. they could just curl up on their dino-master's nose and sleep! then the dinosaur would sit and be like me, not wanting to move for fear of waking up the little ball of cuteness..AW. cute thoughts..... maybe i will draw some pictures of that... later... thanks for viewing and reading my incredibly awesome/weird post about random stuff that goes through my mind.. Stay classy! oh, I found grass in my pocket.....
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Day 75 - sleeeeeeep
hngkv ,mf.v bakwjdn cbhjdbcvhsgtfyuilqklevbnvjhgfw. rawr. I am super tired. I want to sleep. I will sleep as soon as dinosaur is posted........... SLEEEEEEP! Worked on my history video and now it is finished and super awesome and other than that i had school which was actually kinda fun :) anyway sleep is now. here is today's dinosaur - he looks and feels how i look and feel :P thanks for viewing and stay classy! :)
Monday, April 9, 2012
Day 74 - Today was not the best of days...

PS: picture with just my nails: Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Austria, Canada, Britain, France, Greece, Italy, and Botswana.
and I realize that it looks like France is before Britain in the way my hands are but I was naming pinky finger to thumb then thumb to pinky finger
PPS: Dinosaur says "Don't hate me because I'm NERDY!"
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Day 73 - Happy Easter! :)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Day 72 - That green monster...
Friday, April 6, 2012
Day 71 - Alas, the world could not handle that much awesomeness

Today was s'posed to be my birthday but since today is also my mother and my best friend's birthday, the world could not handle that much awesomeness so I was born 1 month early.... Today I baked a cake for my mum (birthday if you weren't paying attention) and it is super awesome.... those brown spots are paw prints actually :P they are dark chocolate shaved :) Anyway here is my mum as a dinosaur, Happy Birthday Annie and Mum! :) Have a good night, thanks for viewing and Stay classy! :)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Day 70 - That thing....
Don't you hate that thing? The thing that hangs over your head to ruin a perfectly good day? Or that thing that someone says that makes you mad/sad? I know that I hate that thing that ruins my day..... and then there are things that are awesome.... like that thing that someone says that instantly makes you happy, or that thing that someone does that makes you all fuzzy inside.... :) yeah...i like those things..... but then there are those things that you have mixed feelings about... like that one person that you like and makes you happy but you're pretty sure they don't feel the same way or you made a mistake that you can't stop thinking about? yeah pretty confusing i know...just a thought...I have someone on my mind and they won't get our of my head...DRIVING ME CRAZY! anyway busy day tomorrow.... Thanks for viewing, have a great day and stay classy! :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I am so tired! I don't want to go to school tomorrow but I have to... -.- ugh. I was working on my history project, it's a video of clips, pictures, music and text that explains entertainment, the arts and sports of the 1920s and out of 10 minutes we have about 3.5 minutes..... WOOOOOT! it took use like 6 hours..... uuuuuuuugh..... NOT EXCITED! anyway here is today's dinosaur - what happens if you spend too much time in front of a screen or television. I am super tired and have a big day ahead of me tomorrow so, thanks for viewing and stay classy! :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Day 68 - Life is PERFECT :)
LIFE IS AWESOME. Seriously awesome :) I got my late birthday parcel from Annie which included a 1 lb. chocolate dinosaur disguised as a rabbit and some delicious lemon biscuits that i can have with my iced tea :) YUM! and also a die that I made a couple years is reaaaaally not a cube....... FAIL. Oh and I got my laptop back from Petri and the screen works again! YAAAAY! :) and then some school stuff has been postponed and I had an ice capp today so I'm sorta hyper and stuff and won't be able to fall asleep...... AWESOME DINOSAUR IS AWESOME! :) Doctor Who if you can't tell and it's just... so awesome! I know that it might not be super correct because it was Matt Smith as the eleventh doctor who said fezzes and bowties were cool but it was David Tennant that said Allons-y but I was trying to incorporate many aspects of the show... YAY! I am so happy but yeah gotta atleast try to fall asleep or clean my room/ somehow be productive with my new found energy... did you know that caffeine just kinda tricks your body into thinking that it has energy that you don't so then when it wears off you crash super hard............ Thanks for viewing i will somehow make a suggestions box that everyone can contribute ideas to..... stay classy! :)
Monday, April 2, 2012
Day 67 - Inverted....
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Day 66 - 300?
ONLY 300 DAYS LEFT! Well actually only 299 since I totally forgot that this year was going to be a leap year when I started! Don't worry I might do a couple bonus days...or weeks... Anyway today was April fools day... I didn't prank anyone or anything like that mostly because when I was younger they would always be mean "pranks" such as ketchup or mustard in my mother's coffee or switching the sugar with the salt.. yeah, yeah, yeaah. stop judging me. So today's dinosaur is pretty much macrame but with beads and wire.... Beady eyed Bruce is his name :P But I have to go sleep because I have school in the morning :( ugh. Stay classy! and PS DRAGON RUUUUUULE! :D Take that mum :P still not sure if they will be dragons or just modified dinosaurs with wings or can breath fire... or both...........
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