two velociraptors and a dinosaur in a pear tree!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Day 320 - December 14
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 319 - December 13
Day 318 - Dec 12
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 317 - woot.
and now factor it and complete the square and do a whole bunch of math and stuff and there you go! you're done a useless problem!
ugh math. stupid. honestly i hate this class it's terrible and like blah. so yeah i might as well get back to doing my biology review... which is useless too. just like school. sorry i'm in a bad mood today if you can't tell, hopefully it lightens by 3:30 when i have my interview! *fingers crossed!*
thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 316 - lazy days
so today i stayed in bed pretty much all day and i didn't really do anything, i cleaned up a little bit but that was about it, i need to clean of my desk, it's really bad and i really need to get back into the habit of drawing and whatnot although recently i have been extremely uninspired. which totally sucks but with the christmas season upon us i have that to work with. i've been thinking about making some more cards like i used to and make a few really cute Christmas-y ones. i already have a few but i want to make some more. anyways here's the dinosaur, thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 315 - Shopping!
So today i went shopping and i got my formal dress! it's white and black and i really like it but i also really like this other dress which is pink and ruffly and you wouldn't think i'd like it but i do. and so i really wanted the pink one but then my mum was like: why dont you try this on? and so i did and i liked it and my mum loved it and nat liked it and the chick that was helping us loved it on me and another sales associate that was walking by really liked it on my too and so we got it (thanks mom i love you! <3) and now all i have to do is find a cardigan or something with some colour because i don't want to just have black and white formal attire. I think i'm gonna go for colourful shoes and a chunky colourful necklace (and maybe bracelet) and then i have to wear something to cover myself up because i'm going to hide the straps by tucking them in. oh yeah! and i have a job interview on monday! :D *cross fingers* i'm really hoping for this job :D anyways thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Day 3.14159265359 - other wise known as pi
actually only day 314 which is also my house number but w/e :P
this dinosaur cannot distinguish pie from pi.. it's all the same to him!
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
this dinosaur cannot distinguish pie from pi.. it's all the same to him!
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Day 313 - I am going to reeeeeally try and keep up again!
I have absolutely no idea why i all of a sudden cannot keep up to date with my dinosaur blogs but i am going to really try and post them on time. Today nothing really exciting happened
Day 312 - UNITED WAY!

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Day 311 - Happy Birthday Taylor and Katie!
Happy birthday to Taylor and Katie! and to anyone else who has a birthday on the 4th of december! :P that was pretty much all that happened on this day. oh wait the teachers are being stupid about all the wage freezes and other stuff. For some reason this strike has prevented them from inputting the attendance on the computer and so now they have student run the attendance down... ummmmm.... that's more work.. :/ although maybe the attendance thing for the computer is broken w/e... anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 310 - December 3rd
Nothing really happened on this day... i slept, ate, went to school and that was about it... thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 309 - Catching up
Day 308 - so so so so so sorry
I know i;m super lame.. i'm lame and lazy... and tired like holy poo, so tired. not at the time that i should have posted this but i probably had more energy when i was sick! this is stupid i have no idea what is making me so tired and whatnot, anyways heres my dinosaur sorry it's pretty much a week late :/ this dinosaur is based on the white rabbit from alice in wonderland because i am late! thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Day 307 - MoSistas
So for the last day of movember i have here what i am: a mosista. a lady who wears a stick on stache if she wants to. This dinosaur was based on Laura, a family friend who has participated in raising funds for movember for the past few years and is one of the only other girls i know that does anything movember related. (if there are any other mosistas out there reading this then thank you!!) :] anyway i have to sleep, sorry it's late, thanks for viewing, thanks to you if you donated to movember and keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 306 - Running out!
Sorry it's late but i've been super tired and starting to run out of ideas for dinos with mustaches but my total donation to movember from selling the mustaches is $307!! which is awesome! almost double what I raised last year ($170)
thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 305 - almost the end!
so the end of movember is near! and here's one of the last mustache dinos sorry it's late i've just been so tired lately and i have no idea why so thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Day 304 - lame i know...
so another late night where i didn't get what i had hoped to get accomplished.... but oh well. i made petri his peanutbutter and chocolate squares as payment for the laptop charger so i'm cool, i earned $20 bucks so that's cool... but i need to get up early so that i can shower... here's today's slightly lame dino... you guys have no idea how hard it was to draw this one's beard :P anyway thanks for viewing keep calm and stay classy! :D PS. i'm hoping to do another really long story/rant blog post soon, stay tuned!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Day 3OH!3 - hmm...
if you don't get the title for today it's because you haven't heard of the band. 3OH!3 is a band from the USA who were hot in 2008, i still listen to their songs and i was trying to think of what number today is when i remembered and automatically had to put that in... no onto the boring stuff... i;m still sick, $40 richer, and i slept until noon, and did nothing the rest of the day.... except at the end of the night i hung out with isaac and petri for an hour or so and they ate cake and here is a picture of alex eating cake: he thought it was delicious... :P so did petri and isaac. last night i was coughing so hard and so much that i got a bloody nose and then i got another one this after noon and i made some not very good tomato soup for dinner. if i get up early enough, i might take some cake with me to school... we have a lot of cake. anyway here's the dino, thanks for viewing! keep calm and stay classy! and be HEALTHY!! (unlike me)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Day 302 - only 63 days left!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012
Day 301 - I finished it!
Woot okay so here's the day 300 dinosaur that i couldn't finish yesterday because i was lacking ingredients. it's kind of awesome... but i have no idea who is going to eat it... tomorrow maybe i'll invite some people over for a cake eating day. after i go to the walk in clinic though. so i must go to bed because i have to be up early.. i stayed home sick again today so i have to go to the walk in for 8 AM, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Thursday, November 22, 2012
DAY 300!!!!!

Sorry the dino isn't done!! D: :(

anyway i have to sleep because i never got a chance to shower and i didn't put my pants in the wash but now i have to go put the washer on for a rinse etc.... done for the night... pretty excited for tomorrow though.. maybe i'll make it through the day without going home early?? :D thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 298 - still not better...

thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy and i'm sorry but i'll try and make somehting awesome for day 300 but i dunno, i'm not really feeling up to it at this point....
Day 297 - On monday I had a sick day also...
so on monday i slept in until like 9:00 and then lazed around downstairs for most of the day, zack kept me company after lunch when he woke up because he was sick too. i walked to the bus stop, my first outing in more than 36 hrs.
Day 296 - Sick day.

Day 295 - Uggggghhhhh....
okay so this time i actually have a legit reason other than being swamped with life. i've been sick since Saturday night and so i'm finally able to make the dinosaurs. here we go. so on saturday served at the bazaar with nat, rachel and kate and olivia it was hectic but i love it! :P and then we went to mel's surprise party and then i came home and pretty much died for the next few days....
Friday, November 16, 2012
Day 294 - caught up?
omg, i'm soooooooo sorry! i've been exhausted and busy and tired and theres just not enough time to do everything. tomorrow is the church bazaar and i'm going to be waitressing with nat and rachel. today i finished almost all of my mustache orders and now i'm finished catching up with the past few days dinosaurs. i'm having a lot of trouble finding mustache styles which is the reason they are late. sorry! so yeah i helped Zack make a new home for his frog and then re arrange his room and clean it and stuff. now if only i cold do that with my room!!! but i must leave now, i have to make some truffles for my mum. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
Day 293 - haircut!
So exciting news... I cut my hair short!! I love it! It's easy to care for but hard to put into a ponytail or bun but w/e.I had a b-ball tournament in Kapuskasing we played kap and o'gorman and we lost both but we almost beat o'gorman it was 37-35 which is really good!
Day 292 - yet another late one!!
I really need to learn time management!! Maybe I'll start scheduling my days so I know what I need to accomplish etc. and then get to bed at a reasonable time... Sounds like a plan.. I'll start tomorrow...
Day 291 - I have been so friggen busy!!
OMG I'm having no time anymore! I have so much to do that by the time I'm in bed I'm exhausted! So here's the Dino from Tuesday sorry its late! Thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Day 290 - mustaches again!
so i kinda ran out of chocolate the other day and have had a hard time making mustaches with out it... i'm bringing the orders to school tomorrow and i hope that everyone is gonna bring their money!! other than that nothing really happened today. i woke up, went to b-ball came home chilled, make mustaches and wrapped and labeled mustaches and then i went babysitting and then i came back. nothing much in between those. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :) love you guys!!
Day 289 - Oh my, day 300 is coming up...
okay so i just realized that i have 11 days to come up with something fantastic for day 300!!! day 100 - matches, day 200 -dinosaur mask... i have no idea what to do!! any ideas? well i was super busy making and labeling mustaches last night that i didn't get a chance to do this! anyway here's the dino, i know it's late but it's remembrance day themed.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Day 288 - Saturday, oh how I have missed you!! :)
okay so today i spent most of the day half making mustaches and half relaxing because i'm super tired and went to bed at 2 am last night... and so i made a whole of mustaches today because i had to finish my RMSS order plus i got darby's order from golden which meant i needed to make more.... i have tomorrow and monday to make them soo... i think i should have them by the time i said i would! anyway its already 1:30 i need sleep, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!!
Day 287 - Mustaches, mustaches galore.

PS. I'm sorry!
PPS. I have no idea how to draw mutton chops, much less mutton chops on dinosaurs!!
Day 286 - This has never happened before...
okay so you know that i have a really busy life, well the past 3 nights have been reeeeally busy and i've been so tired that i didn't get a chance to do my dinosaur on thursday night. I had a basketball game and then i was studying for my math test and then i fell asleep soo... you know, no time there. i was gonna do that last night but i was making chocolate mustaches and i only got a bit over half of what i needed to do, done. soo here i am posting it 2 days late... forgive me? thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Day 285 - ooooomg.... can't wait until i get a break
my favourite part of my day is when i finally get to bed and i lie down and take a deep breath and then my back finally get a rest. to lie down during the day is so hard. because i just don't want to get up, but i do feel relaxed afterwords. it takes a bit of pressure off of my shoulders even if it's just for 1 minute! so as i said yesterday i made an order form for olivia to take to school and she sold 22 mustaches! there were only 2 spaces left on the sheet which is great! I quickly printed off another and got darby to take one because she goes to another school which means that i'm spreading the sales. i'm up to 33 sales so far and its only 8 days in! 52 more mustaches and i will have sold the same amount as i did last year! i gave one to mrs. donovan and i'm taking one too. i filled most of the order and it is almost ready to go but i ran out of milk chocolate and white chocolate so i'm gonna have to go to bulk barn to get some more! anyway here's the dino, i have to sleep contrary to popular belief. thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Day 284 - So I made some mustaches....
Okay so today i woke up after my alarm going off like 10 kajillion times.... and then i took a shower and got ready and got a ride to school and then it was school... nothing eventful happened at lunch, i got the boys soccer team picture and one of the boys had left his jersey wet it a bag and it stunk up the whole hallway! it was pretty bad! I hope that one of the pictures turned out okay :) after that i made 3 citrus sales over the phone and i worked a bit on the yearbook then it was chemistry class and its really boring and i don't like what we're currently doing :( and then i had basketball practice, last game on thursday! then i came home, chilled for a bit and made some mustaches!! and now i'm here! I wish i had time to do some yoga atleast once a week... not like what i was doing earlier in the year but what i had been doing in gym class... more teen oriented rather than old people like the class i had with my dad. anyway so i got a few things done today that i didn't do yesterday: Shower, mustaches, i got my basketball stuff together, made a mustache order form and i made 3 citrus sales! so that shrinks the list down! this weekend: clean my room, make peanut butter squares, more mustaches? sleep at a reasonable time!!
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Day 283 - No sleep, things to be done and beards.
life. it's so hectic.. there is just not enough time in the day!! i totally didn't get a chance to have my shower which means i miss out on sleep in the AM because i reeeally need one. i didn't get the chance to make more mustaches tonight, i didn't get all my b-ball practice stuff together. i didn't make the chocolate and peanut butter squares that i need to make.i didn't go to bed at 11. i didn't make a mustache order form. i haven't sold any citrus. i didn't clean my room.
i did fill out and scan a subway application. I earned $15 babysitting. I got the pictures mrs. drummond wanted. i did convince more people to bring money for mustaches. (sales are slow so far.) i wish i had the time to do everything... if only i didn't need to sleep... you know, i read this article that said if you take 1/2 hour naps every 4 hours you can survive on only 3 hours of sleep everyday.... which givves me a lot more time to do stuff! imagine how many mustaches i could make in one night? i could do extra math homework, i could clean my room, i could get all my school stuff together. i could make my lunch. i could shower. i could plant an indoor garden. i could do laundry. i could clean up parts of the kitchen.. but in reality? i would sit on pinterest all night... anyway so before i lose out on more sleep i have a short story to tell you: so i just got a new babysitting gig and today was my first day (2nd time there because i went to meet the family yesterday) so i get there and she answers the door and i bend down to take my shoes off when my nose starts bleeding... i don't want to bleed all over her carpet so i go outside again and then she comes out with some kleenex and then tells me to come and get cleaned up at the sink. and it just wouldn't stop bleeding.. :P and so we tried to figure out the internet password while i'm holding paper towels against my nose and holding my head back. eventually we get it and she leaves and my nose stops bleeding and i get properly cleaned up. (i watched 2 episodes of how i met your mother, 1 of Partners and 1 of 2 broke girls, which was a pretty awesome night) then i walked home and i start to take my shoes off... when i get another bloody nose... ugh. i hate when that happens! it reminds me of the time Stevie and i were playing leap frog but the tall people version where the person you leap over it pretty much standing up straight, a little bent over but still pretty tall.. i told emma and liam not to come over to where we were since i didn't want to kick one of them while jumping.. lo and behold liam accidentally kicked the ball under Stevie's feet and i was already in the air and couldn't stop myself and i accidentally kicked him in the face. Ouch. then when he came back out we played chinese baseball or kick ball (never understood the first name?) and i was pitched and he kicked the ball into my face and i got a bloody nose. Ouch. KARMA! so yeah... interesting events from the life of Kelly! here's the dinosaur, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
PS. this Movember Dino is dedicated to Taylor Coulson who pretty much introduced us to Movember (as i remember it) has had a huge beard for quite some time and is currently travelling Europe! (still in the UK at the beginning of his journey!) Hope you're safe and are having a super awesome trip Tay! We missed you at the harvest dinner!
i did fill out and scan a subway application. I earned $15 babysitting. I got the pictures mrs. drummond wanted. i did convince more people to bring money for mustaches. (sales are slow so far.) i wish i had the time to do everything... if only i didn't need to sleep... you know, i read this article that said if you take 1/2 hour naps every 4 hours you can survive on only 3 hours of sleep everyday.... which givves me a lot more time to do stuff! imagine how many mustaches i could make in one night? i could do extra math homework, i could clean my room, i could get all my school stuff together. i could make my lunch. i could shower. i could plant an indoor garden. i could do laundry. i could clean up parts of the kitchen.. but in reality? i would sit on pinterest all night... anyway so before i lose out on more sleep i have a short story to tell you: so i just got a new babysitting gig and today was my first day (2nd time there because i went to meet the family yesterday) so i get there and she answers the door and i bend down to take my shoes off when my nose starts bleeding... i don't want to bleed all over her carpet so i go outside again and then she comes out with some kleenex and then tells me to come and get cleaned up at the sink. and it just wouldn't stop bleeding.. :P and so we tried to figure out the internet password while i'm holding paper towels against my nose and holding my head back. eventually we get it and she leaves and my nose stops bleeding and i get properly cleaned up. (i watched 2 episodes of how i met your mother, 1 of Partners and 1 of 2 broke girls, which was a pretty awesome night) then i walked home and i start to take my shoes off... when i get another bloody nose... ugh. i hate when that happens! it reminds me of the time Stevie and i were playing leap frog but the tall people version where the person you leap over it pretty much standing up straight, a little bent over but still pretty tall.. i told emma and liam not to come over to where we were since i didn't want to kick one of them while jumping.. lo and behold liam accidentally kicked the ball under Stevie's feet and i was already in the air and couldn't stop myself and i accidentally kicked him in the face. Ouch. then when he came back out we played chinese baseball or kick ball (never understood the first name?) and i was pitched and he kicked the ball into my face and i got a bloody nose. Ouch. KARMA! so yeah... interesting events from the life of Kelly! here's the dinosaur, thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!
PS. this Movember Dino is dedicated to Taylor Coulson who pretty much introduced us to Movember (as i remember it) has had a huge beard for quite some time and is currently travelling Europe! (still in the UK at the beginning of his journey!) Hope you're safe and are having a super awesome trip Tay! We missed you at the harvest dinner!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Day 282 - again...
okay so here's today's actual post...
uhgh i feel sick... excuse me while i go take some gravol and then go to sleep.... no excited for tomorrow, might stay home if i still feel sick when morning comes? here's the dino and i also leave you with this adorable little video :) i love the end!
anyway thanks for viewing,keep calm and stay classy! :D
anyway thanks for viewing,keep calm and stay classy! :D
Day 281 - this is becoming a bad habit...
so last night i went to amy's party and then nat and i came back to my house and went to bed. in the morning she left and i lazed around all day... hope you guys didn't forget to set your clocks back!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Day 280 - So tired... must sleep!

PS. WELCOME SPAIN AND ITALY!!! I recently added them to my map!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Day 279 - Happy MOVEMBER!!!
So today is the first day of November marking the start of Movember, the awareness campaign where men don't shave their face during the whole month of november, they are clean shaven at the start and it's pretty much a beard growing contest! I do my share of raising awareness and money through my chocolate mustache service. I make and sell chocolate mustaches during the month of Movember and then donate all the money to the team of my choice (usually my brother's team!) today i made a bunch to mark the start and i will male them all month. I ran out of milk chocolate at the end of last year so i went to bulkbarn to get more (some colours and white chocolate too) and since i am doing this for charity (using my own money for the supplies) i asked if i could get a discount and Brianna and Brad gave me one! 20% off what i was buying and for that i am soo thankful! i think i will send one over for each of them ( i'll donate the $2 per mustache) so yeah. tomorrow is also super hero/villain day so i made a quick batman shirt to wear,nothing fancy, but it'll do! anyway thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy!! :D
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Day 278 - Happy Halloween!!
so today is halloween which is super awesome! i dressed up as a classasaurus today at school but just a dinosaur for trick or treating. i got so many compliments on my mask it was awesome!! nat and i went trick or treating at like 6:30/7 is until like 9 or something... we got a pretty good haul... now tomorrow i start on my movember chocolate mustaches!! woo!!! so excited! all the proceeds will be donated to movember (the team of my choice, ususally my bros &faj and their friends) and last year i got like $170 i think, and at $2 per mustache that comes out to about 85 mustaches! so yeah! here's my costume, (see the hands?) thanks for viewing, keep calm and stay classy! :D
remember click the picture to make it bigger!!
remember click the picture to make it bigger!!
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